Lowe’s North Vernon Outreach Models October 5, 2009 James Emmett Indiana VR & APSE Corporate Job Development Training is funded through FSSA’s Medicaid Infrastructure Grant CFDA# 93768
Lowe’s - PA Transitional Work Group – individuals hired as “temps” for 45 days Given opportunity to try jobs & learn at own pace Evaluated every 15 days & goal to be Lowe’s employees after 45 Referrals through VR, two providers provide coaching on each shift Lowe’s coaches????
Walgreens - SC Initial off-site training center through VR Transitional Work Group – Individuals hired as “temp” employees, evaluated to become Walgreens employees at 30/60/90 days Coaching file with soft & hard skill training & suggested accommodations for each Walgreens Coordinator & 3 coaches
Walgreens - CT On-site training center Transitional Work Group – Individuals hired as “temp” employees, evaluated to become Walgreens at 15 day intervals Coaching file with suggested supports Walgreens Coordinator & 3 coaches Multiple agencies referring candidates SPOC’s act as funnells
Hyatt Hands On 2 week intensive training program for chef assistant & other hotel positions Hired as “temp” employees for 2 weeks Coaches support training VR pays training tuition for program “Regional Training Centers” – 8 in 2010 Trainee finds job in local Hyatt or other hotel
Project SEARCH Partnership between business (hospital) & local school district Semester rotation in job related to individual’s skills & interests Supported by on-site teacher or coach Goal to find employment in that hospital, another hospital, or other business Used in many hospitals across country
TIAA-CREF “Fruits of Employment” looking at agricultural focused employment National Coordinator planning recruiting, supports, incentives, p.r Local consultants paid by project acting as SPOC’s & do ongoing problem solving Training Crew used to provide intense supports All hired as employees from start (interns down the road)
Best Buy Proposed model will be “spider model” Building Disability program/consultants at distribution centers Using concept of “Natural Supports Library” Model will spider out to stores surrounding distribution centers National Coordinator, local coaches
ACS “Disability focused” recruiters at home office in Lexington, KY Recruiters build partnerships with local agencies & VR 6 full-time recruiters plus 1 national manager “Certify” local agencies as application & assessment sites
Midway Moving & Storage Mid-sized company in Chicago Hired full-time internal Business Developer/Disability Coordinator Build collaborations with local community organizations Collaborations focus on “job creation” & building marketing & recruiting in disability community
Contact Me James Emmett Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation APSE HR Connect Corporate Development Consultant