NASYUA Newsletter North American SYTU Alumni & Friends Association 江大北美校友會 Volume March 2006 NASYUA Will Have First Assembly Meeting and Election on June 27, 2006 at Orlando, FL NASYUA preparation team has agreed to have first assembly meeting at 6:30 pm on June 27 at Ming Court Restaurant, Orlando, Florida. According to bylaw of the association, the first Board of Directors (nine directors) and the first Executive Team including the President, President Elect, six Regional Vice Presidents, and one Student Representative will be generated by election. Secretary and Treasurer will be appointed by the President. SYTU will be sponsor of assembly diner party. Diner ticket ($40) for students who paid or pay membership fee on-site and invited guests will be covered by SYTU. Mrs. Liu and Dr. Jiang will represent SYTU to attend the assembly. They would also bring SYTU gifts for us to sell. Thanks to Bo Jiang, Yingchang Han and those helped. Ming Court Restaurant is located at 9188 International Drive (walking distance from Convention Center), Orlando, FL Tel or you can find detail at Please do your best to attend the meeting. It is your right and obligation to choose trusted NASYUA leaders who will serve the association and you. Membership Registration Starts Now Thank you for your interest in the association. A formal membership application form has been attached. Please feel free to distribute this form to SYTU alumni and friends. The completed form and membership dues should be mailed to the address specified in the form. - Jingmin (Joanne) Zhang Letter of the Editors Since first newsletter published, we have received numerous valuable comments and suggestions. On behave of NASYUA preparation team, I sincerely thank you for your contributions. Please continue providing your inputs Your voice will make difference of the newsletter.. Contributing columns and regional activity reports are welcome and strongly encouraged. – Liuming (Leon) Zhou NASYUA Now Official NASYUA has registered with the State of Kentucky where its initial headquarter is set. In addition, the Association has registered with the city-county government of Lexington, Kentucky where the headquarter is specifically located. The current mailing address of the Association, which differs from its headquarter, is 1010 Florida Avenue, Ames, Iowa Youling Xiong NASYUA Bylaw Needs Your Inputs Association’s Bylaw is being finalized and the last draft now distributed to you for your review and comments. Please send your feedback to Key milestones of Bylaw: - July A Bylaw draft team led by Youling Xiong was appointed by preparation team at New Orleans. Team members are Feng Guan, Yingchang Han, and Dihui Wang. -Dec First draft completed and circulated for review. -Jan Preparation team collectively reviewed Bylaw draft and made suggestions for modifications. -March – Preparation team collectively reviewed and approved modification - March –Final version completed (as presented). Chair’s Column Looking out of the window of my home office, I see winter is fading, giving its way to spring – a fresher, warmer, and brighter feeling… While we embrace the arrival of a new season, the preparation committee has energetically led us into a new phase of the Association. Firstly, the committee has unanimously approved the By-law of our organization on March 4, 2006, after several months of hard work. This version of the By- law represents collected efforts and wisdom of the entire group involved, under the outstanding leadership of Dr. Youling Xiong. I firmly believe that it will serve as a solid foundation for the Association many, many years ahead. It is now presented to all of you for your review and inputs (see instruction below for how you can voice your comments). Please keep it in mind that this By-law is yours, thus your thoughts to make it better matter. Several immediate actions have ensued. With his speedy action, Youling has registered the Association with proper government agencies. Please note that the formal acronym of the Association is now NASYUA. Xingqiu has assumed treasurer’s role by establishing a bank account for the Association. Dihui is working with an artist alumnus to develop a logo for the Association. Joanne is developing a membership application form. Liuming and Feng are checking on registering a website. And more … A number of important steps/events, including membership, election of the board of directors and executive committee, and preparation for the first annual meeting and celebration, will take place in next few months. This newsletter presents some preliminary plans. Please stay closely tuned for more details. We need your full support and involvement. Please contact me and any other members of the committee if you would like to help. Working together to cast seeds now, then we can expect a bountiful harvest season ahead. Respectfully, Hongda Chen, Chair of the Preparation Committee
NASYUA Newsletter North American SYTU Alumni & Friends Association 江大北美校友會 Volume March 2006 Highlights of NASYUA Preparation Team Conference Meeting March 4 conference -Name of the association was agreed to “NASYUA” -Headquarter was agreed to be registered at Lexington, Kentucky -Agreed structure of board and executive team structures -Approved Bylaw modification and timelines for registration and election -Appointed election committee led by Feng Guan to start election preparation -Defined and agreed immediate actions before official election in June -Discussed ideas to help Shihong Yang’s family January 28 Conference -Initial review of bylaw -Suggested time and location for the registration of the association -Recommended membership registration procedure -Reviewed and updated the name of the association as “NASUA” -Defined key milestones for bylaw, registration, and election SYTU Approved that NASYUA uses its logo