California-based aircraft, westbound from the Washington, D.C. area, bound for LEX. Contacted LEX, reported rough running engine and losing power.
Aircraft impacted a hill east of Lexington, near Mount Sterling. Injured pilot hospitalized, aircraft recovered and taken to Mount Sterling Airport.
How long did it take for all THIS to happen?
Shouldn’t this have been corrected at the last annual?
ANNUAL? What Annual? No evidence of any maintenance of any kind on the aircraft for YEARS!
Right Main Fuel Filler
This condition brought to pilot’s attention by FBO. Pilot declined repair or replacement on more than one occasion. Several rainy days in the D.C. area during visit.
Left Main Fuel Filler
Lexington, Kentucky is well within a 182’s range from the D.C. area. He could have made it on the left tank alone, but we don’t know what he started with or how much leaked out!
From carburetor float chamber! Purple liquid... never identified!
Very poor or non- existent preflight inspection and preflight planning!
Lots of different types of medication!
Virtually all of the medicines and/or the ailments they would likely be used to treat would medically disqualify the pilot. Should have been caught on his last medical!
Medical? What medical? No evidence that the pilot had obtained a medical any time in the last several years! What was his profession? Hint: he should have been flying a Bonanza! AKA the F.T.D.K.!
Despite the vintage of the aircraft, note the pristine condition of the shoulder harness!
Seat belt looks pretty good, too!
Note that the buckle is tucked in between cushion and spring!
Despite the relatively slight damage to the airframe, the pilot was a FATALITY! Multiple injuries from contact with the panel and control wheel
What a surprise.....
What is this thing? No problem, just check the records for a field approval!
How many things did he do wrong? Which one was the one that killed him?
Big mistakes... MaintenanceMaintenance PreflightPreflight Fuel ManagementFuel Management Medical ConditionMedical Condition MedicationsMedications Seatbelt/Harness useSeatbelt/Harness use
Thanks for coming!