How will you use your language skills later in life?
Take the on-line career assessment: Take the Career Key test to determine which careers are best suited to your personality and interests Select a career that appeals to you
Use at least 3 of the following resources to learn about the career-language connection: r.htm s_workplace_employment/prasad_difference_in _workplace.asp lang-brochure 2.pdf (You can find this in my dropbox)
Then: Use the internet to gather information about the career you’ve chosen Use at least 3 web sites List the URLs of the websites you use ( is not the URL) Fill out the charts on the next 2 pages to organize your information
Career Website Salary range Job responsibilities Education needed
Career Language(s) needed or useful Benefits of being multilingual in this profession
Next: Create a 10-word bilingual glossary of terms you would need to perform your job Use Babel Fish to help you: m/ m/
Glossary: English Replace with name of target language
Now: Project yourself 10 years into the future Create a project in which you answer the following questions… Why did you chose your career? Which language(s) should you learn in order to be successful in your career How will you use your language skills on the job? What advantages do you have as a bi- (multi-)lingual worker?
Your final project can take any of the following forms: An essay 4-5 paragraphs in length, word processed An 2-4 minute oral role-play in which you pretend to be a professional in your chosen career An 2-4 minute i-movie “documentary” about your career
Rubric for essay Points possible Points you received Submitted on time 10 Submitted 10 word glossary with appropriate terms 10 Answered all questions 20 Word-processed essay, using 12 pt. Times Roman Font,double spaced, leaving 1in. margins 15 Had no spelling, grammar or usage errors 15 Wrote a well-structured, interesting, creative essay 30
Rubric for role-play Points possible Points you received Completed on time10 Submitted 10 word glossary with appropriate terms 10 Answered all questions20 Used costumes, props and/or behaviors to convince audience of your profession 15 Spoke clearly and with confidence. Was easy to hear and understand 15 Developed a well-structured, interesting, creative role-play 30
Rubric for i-movie Points possible Points you received Completed on time10 Submitted 10 word glossary with appropriate terms10 Answered all questions20 Used relevant still pictures and/or video clips that effectively illustrated your topic 15 Recorded music and/or narration that effectively communicated your topic 15 Developed a well-structured, interesting, creative movie 30