Introduce the new On-line ILLP Attachment AB template Procedures on how to access and complete the On-line ILLP Attachment AB Required Areas for ILLP Model On-line ILLP Attachment AB Application
Participants will… Demonstrate knowledge of the new on-line ILLP process by completing a time allocation section on the ILLP Attachment AB quarterly template
ILLP Form ILLP Quarterly Template-Attachment AB
The ILLP process has two forms: Individual Language Learner Plan LAD will send out initial pre-populated ILLPs File the completed form in student’s cumulative folder and ensure that the classroom teacher and ELD teacher has an additional copy with their lesson plans On-Line Elementary ILLP Quarterly Template- Attachment A/B
2. Click on Special Programs and then across to “Language Assessment”
3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on ILLP Quarterly Review (Grades K-5) to access the title page
4. Type in your TUSD STATS username and password 5. Click on submit
6. The teacher of record will have a list of ELL and ELLAR students (exclude ELLAR (N) ) 7. In order to access the ILLP Form, select one of the students and click on Edit under the Quarter to be documented
8. The student / teacher information will be populated
Time Allotments Congruent with ELP Standards Standard 2 Standard 1
30 min.
Note: Required areas of instruction Time AllocationTimeELP Standards Reading60 MinReading Domain: Standards 1,2,3,4 Grammar60 MinLanguage Strand: Standard 1 Oral English Conversation and Vocabulary 60 Min Listening and Speaking Domain: Standards 1, 2 Language Strand: Standard 2 (Vocabulary) Writing60 MinWriting Domain: standards 1, 2, 3,4,5
30 minutes for each time allocation
9. Once accessing the form, begin to complete the instructional portion of the Elementary ILLP Quarterly Template-Attachment AB 10. Access the English Language Proficiency (ELP) Standards by using the live links at the top left side of the form.
11. Select appropriate ELP Standard(s) and Performance Indicator according to the student’s grade, level of English proficiency and time allocation.
12. Highlight copy and paste the standard in the appropriate column. Include a minimum of 4 ELP standards for each of the required ILLP Areas Enter the ELP codes and standards with the Stem & Performance Indicator II-R-1:B-1 The student will demonstrate knowledge of print concepts by: tracking written words read aloud with one-to-one correlation.
Enter Assessment/s used and data results Enter date standards were completed Enter instructional modifications needed to attain goals not met in this quarter II-R-1:B-1 The student will demonstrate knowledge of print concepts by: tracking written words read aloud with one-to-one correlation. Avenues E-Assessment Unit 3: 60 %. Teacher Observation during Guided Reading and Literacy Centers 12/14/13 Reading: Use reteaching Options for Unit 3. PDF lesson and workbook pages 13-14
All computer printers are different After saving the completed ILLP Attachment AB, you will get this screen
Go file page setup Be sure to choose Landscape option when printing Click Shrink to Fit option if applicable
Use materials from the ELD adoptions (Avenues, Windows on Literacy, Phonics Components, Kidspiration) which can also include supplementary and adapted materials from content areas (i.e. Into English, realia, hands-on manipulatives, visuals, Science FOSS kits, graphic organizers, etc.).
Use e-Assessments to progress monitor ELL students at grades 1-5 and document progress on the Quarterly Template AB. In addition, all schools can choose assessments that appropriately reflect expected outcomes for the ELL’s level of English language proficiency. Assessments can be teacher created and/or vary in process (Running Records, projects, DRA, writing prompts, etc.). For additional information regarding assessment guidelines for ELLs refer to the following link from the ALP Guidebook page 18: es.asp es.asp
Ensure all teachers providing ELD instruction sign the form. The original ILLP (which includes Attachment AB) will be placed in the student's cumulative files. A copy of the ILLP will be given to each teacher who has a responsibility in implementing the plan. Keep the Elementary ILLP Quarterly Template- Attachment AB with Lesson Plans for instructional, documenting, and monitoring purposes. Refer to ILLP Quarterly Template to guide instruction and to support the ELL’s English language development needs.
Log into TUSD STATS Select a student Select a time Allocation Think about the standards you will be covering this quarter Keep in mind your ELL’s level of AZELLA in each domain The Resource/ Itinerant teachers have to work together with the classroom teacher of record. It is a collaborative effort. ADE statement: If more than one teacher is responsible for the instruction for a specific student(s), collaboration should be ongoing to ensure that coordination of instruction is reinforced during the various time allocations Using the Live links to the AZ ELP standards, select one or two ELP standards to complete a row on the template Note on the actual ILLP template Attachment AB each time allocation needs to include a minimum of 4 ELP Standards per quarter
can be found on the Language Acquisition Website
Language Acquisition Department TUSD
Address to access the standards from school: