SAT/ACT/College Prep Welcome to the next step
My Info I’ve been a test administrator for 10 years now – ACT/SAT/ToEFL/ToEIC/LSAT. Hence, I know a lot about the various entrance exams. When I took the SAT it was a bit different. I scored 800/800 on the verbal portion and 710/800 on the math. That’s 1510/1600. The purpose of this ethos is to let you know that if you trust me, take my advice, and practice it faithfully, you will be successful.
The Website Make sure to subscribe to my class website for your class period. I will often post extra credit opportunities (secretly) there as a bonus for people who check in. Additionally, I keep the agenda for the course there, so you can see what we did in class while you were absent. Contains numerous links to sites that will help you prep for the tests, research possible colleges, compose your application, and other helpful activities.
Four-Year Colleges Guide Is located on the back desk of this room. Every student needs to use it at least once during the semester. It will tell you almost anything you want to know about the schools you wish to apply to. Everything from cost and financial aid to departments and selectivity will be there. Always keep in mind that this class is simply a prequel to college. Take it as seriously as you take getting into the college of your choice.
The College & Career Center Is in room 133 and is run by Ms. Uhler and Ms. Mason. This is one of the best resources in the school for college-bound students. Please go there and see how they can help you.
In this class, you’ll need: The class book – College Board’s SAT 2014 A journal of some sort to take notes in Self-Awareness to know what your strengths/weaknesses are and what questions you should be asking.
There is a LOT of vocab in this class. If you did not think that the SAT Critical Reading Section would have a lot of unfamiliar vocabulary, you might have signed up for the wrong class. We have weekly quizzes over the vocabulary listed in the ‘Hit Parade’ packet. Also, we will study Latin prefixes, suffixes, and roots. Additionally, we’ll look at various methods to help improve our study of vocab. Study AHEAD, ‘nuff said.
In General, Here’s What We’ll Cover: General info regarding SAT/ACT format, content, and score reporting Various types of questions: Critical Reading, Editing, Grammar, and Vocabulary Strategies that will help us to do well on the different question types as well as to calm our anxiety about test- taking in general. Study methods that can maximize our memory and minimize our effort How to choose a college that is not only the one you want to go to, but is also a perfect choice for you Vocabulary development A basic knowledge of English Grammar and how it is misused and abused How to read critically and edit effectively
Improvements? According to the data from last semester, students in this class improved their SAT Verbal Scores anywhere from 15% - 36% In general, students feel significantly more confident about test-taking upon completion of the course.