Welcome to Open House Third Grade Teachers Mrs. Dowlen ~ Reading and Language Arts Mrs. Hall ~ Math Ms. Jared ~ Social Studies Mr. Littles ~ Writing and Grammar Mrs. Scott ~ Science
Common Core Curriculum Georgia has joined several other states to become aligned with common standards to help prepare students for future success. This curriculum is more rigorous today than ever before. Thus, it is imperative that home be a constant connection to school. Please visit to research the change that has placed more demands on teachers, students and parents. Our students will be better prepared to compete on a global scale.
Agendas Homework and notes from the teacher will be placed in your child’s agenda. If a student is absent, it is their responsibility to be sure to get and work missed, including homework. Agendas need to be brought to school daily.
Communication Please feel free to call any of the following teachers whenever there is a question or concern. Mrs. Dowlen – (770) Mrs. Hall – (770) 651–3848 Ms. Jared – (770) Mr. Littles – (770) Mrs. Scott – (770)
Communication continued Out of respect for ever student, teachers will not be able to conference with parents during instructional time. Please understand that a conference time can be scheduled, but taking time away from a class is against school policy and just not the right choice to make for our students.
Helpful Tips 1. Reading to or allowing your child read to you is extremely beneficial for his/her reading skills. 2. Make multiplication facts using popsicle sticks or index cards. 3. Have child to read grade level books and have him write a summary including the characters, setting, plot, conflict and the solution. (Research indicates that writing enhances reading due to connection with vocabulary and expression.) 4. Create/print from internet timed addition, subtraction, multiplication & division facts to help with fluency. 5. To promote better listening comprehension skills, play games that will condition child to have to listen for instructions. i.e. Simon Says with multiple directions (clap two and jump once.) 6. Modeling proper use of English grammar. Here are two brief video clips that will give you just a glimpse on what you can do at home to promote advancement in reading. Fluency check at Home Parent/Teacher Check
Third Grade Website