2OTH ANNUAL FORENSIC RIGHT AND TREATMENT CONFERENCE November 27, 2012 Jim Hudack Blair County MH/ID/EI Administrator
Winter 2011 Began process of developing MHFA for Public Safety First meeting to develop MHFA in County Spring 2011 First MHFA class NAMI and local MH Providers began looking at how they could help with the development of MHFA in Blair County Summer 2011 Sequential Intercept Mapping for Blair County Blair County CJAB made MHFA part of their strategic plan First Public Safety MHFA class Began marketing MHFA for a local instructor certification class Fall 2011 Developed and implemented plan for local instructor training Developed MH Specialized Police Training Steering Committee
Winter 2012 Began filling instructor’s class with local residents Held first meeting of MH Specialized Training Steering Committee Applied for local grant to offset costs Spring 2012 Instructor’s training (March 2012) First class offered by new instructors Developed plan for training public safety, business and public Summer 2012 Set up quarterly meeting with local instructors Classes offered in community and courthouse Fall 2012 Offered three Public Safety Courses Created a MHFA Steering Committee Offered 7 general public courses Began working with local Chamber of Commerce
Cost - $3,000 vs. $1,150 per student Less travel and time away from family and work Less personal disruption of instructors Built a stronger core of local instructors Class cohesiveness Offered local resource material Created opportunity for media coverage
*Lost 2 instructors due to work and moving Each instructor is required to teach at least one FREE community based course a year Total Number of Instructors (19 ) Juvenile & Adult Parole (3) Intellectual Disabilities (1) Other Counties (9) Law Enforcement (3) Nami (2) Mental Health (11)
Buy In from law enforcement, business and community Keeping costs of training at a minimum Sponsorships – Free advertisement Keeping instructors involved Educating the Public and Subgroups “Cultural Change” Marketing Sustainability Class time of 12 hours is too long Getting media involved
Relationships – Relationships – Relationships Communications make it face to face Written information that applies to the audience you are addressing “What's in it for Me?” Pre-existing relationships Who are your stakeholders in community?
County Commissioners President Judge Criminal Justice Advisory Board (CJAB) Regional hospital Mental Health agencies Local and state Law enforcement and public safety Emergency Management Chamber of Commerce Local businesses Media Community “EVERYONE!”
Vinnie the Used Car Salesman – talk to everyone Create a Steering Committee Break population down into subcategories and even smaller groups ◦ Public Safety (Police, Corrections, 911) ◦ First Responders ◦ Faith Based ◦ Businesses ◦ Local communities Shotgun approach does not work Develop material that is local and based on specific audiences Use local media and invite them to trainings Local calendar of events Keep a sense of humor Debrief after every class Each person trained in MHFA becomes a marketer for the program
Over 250 individuals 50 Public Safety personnel 45 Blair County Courthouse staff (includes some from all departments and all of Adult Parole) 133 from the general public 25 from Penn State Altoona Campus
Beginning 2013 will be offering at least quarterly the 8-hour MHFA training to Public Safety personnel. Offer monthly Community based MHFA trainings. Develop a strategic plan to increase outreach to the various population subgroups. Develop instructor certification for Children, Public Safety and Rural MHFA. Develop additional business sponsorships to keep costs low. Attempt to create partnerships with media, businesses and civic organizations. Continue with quarterly instructors meetings. Improve the Steering Committee’s ability to supply technical assistance to instructors. Seek possible funding grants.
Contact information Jim Hudack Blair County MH/ID/EI Administrator (814) ext