2-4-1 Steps To Success Quickstart Worksheet: 2-4-1 Steps To Success 2 Distributors 4 Customers 1 Herbalife STS Go at your own pace and all volume applies to your supervisor position 5,000VP 3-12 Months 4,000VP 1 Month Supervisor: BUDDY SYSTEM 4000VP + 1000VP Per Additional Person 2,500VP 2 Months In A Row Starting Goal & Date: 8 New Distributors Acquire 4 new customers* 50% Retail Profit 7%-25% Wholesale Profit 5% Royalties 3 Levels Plus More! 2,500VP Accumulated 1-3 Months Qualified Producer: 42% Retail Profit 7 - 17% Wholesale Profit Starting Goal & Date: 4 New Distributors Acquire 4 new customers* 1,000 VP One Time Order or 2,000 VP Accumulated puts you at 42% for qualifying month (SUCCESS BUILDER) 2,500 VP Accumulated and stay at 42% (QUALIFIED PRODUCER) 500VP Within 1 Month Senior Consultant: 35 - 42% Retail Profit 5 - 17% Wholesale Profit Starting Goal & Date: You Acquire 4 new customers* 500 VP Accumulated In One Month you remain at 35% Minimum Distributor – 25% Retail Profit Starting Goal: Acquire 1 new customer* *Based on an average order of 150 Volume Points (VP) Define Your Goals: Starting 2 Week Plan: Get Product Results For Yourself Learn about nutrition and help your friends & family Finance your Herbalife consumption program by having 4-5 customers through you. Become A Wellness Coach and start earning money ($500 - $2,500 per month) Build a business and a career ($5,000 - $10,000 per month) Engage in Quickstart Training Compile a list of acquaintances Together with sponsor schedule and conduct practice Wellness Profiles for starting goal of customers If club inviting is desired, determine number of invites per day. For more tools and information see: http://www.wellnessnc.com/tools.aspx
Quickstart Worksheet: 2-4-1 List Building 2-4-1 Build Your Lists 10 Potential Customers: 10 Potential Distributors: Customer 1: Distributor 1: Customer 2: Distributor 2: Customer 3: Distributor 3: Customer 4: Distributor 4: Customer 5: Distributor 5: Customer 6: Distributor 6: Customer 7: Distributor 7: Customer 8: Distributor 8: Customer 9: Distributor 9: Customer 10: Distributor 10: For potential distributors, invite to the next available EVENT! For potential customers, use Practice Wellness Evaluation Script to set up Practice Wellness Evaluations Potential List Sources: Cell Phone / Email address book Your Colleagues / Neighbors Personal Trainer / Gym Hairdresser Real Estate Agent Secretary Waitress / Waiter Insurance Agent Builder Pharmacist Travel Agent Fashion Model Resigned / Retired Is into sports & fitness Was recently married, getting married Owns a Business Lives Overseas Salesperson Had a baby / have children Medical Rep Accountant Electrician / Engineer IT Specialist House Wife Dietician For more tools and information see: http://www.wellnessnc.com/tools.aspx
Quickstart Worksheet: 2-4-1 Organization Building 2-4-1 Build Your Organization Your Name: Customer 1: Customer 2: Customer 3: Customer 4: Your Distributor 1: Your Distributor 2: Customer 1: Customer 1: Customer 2: Customer 2: Customer 3: Customer 3: Customer 4: Customer 4: Working with your Mentor, through your DMO, such as Practice Wellness Evaluations, FREE Smoothie Invites, and any other methods you have selected, build your organization. For more tools and information see: http://www.wellnessnc.com/tools.aspx
Quickstart Worksheet: 2-4-1 Schedule Commitment Club Calendar: Wellness Works Club Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 6:00 AM 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 8:00am-5:00pm Boot Camp 8am - 9am 10:00 AM HOM 10am – 11am Herbalife STS Every 3rd Saturday of month at hotel 9:30am to 4:00pm Party Back At The Club 9am - 11am (Alternating weeks) 11:00 AM 10:00am-11am HOM 12:00 PM QS Training 11pm-12pm 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM Boot Camp 5:30pm – 6:30pm 7:00 PM Yoga 6:00pm – 7:00pm 8:00 PM 9:00 PM 10:00 PM Yellow reflects when club is open to public Set Your Typical Weekly Schedule Commitment: Activity: [I] FREE Smoothie Inviting [D] Dialing For Practice Wellness Profiles (20 Per Hour) [F] Follow Up - Set EV Appts (within 24 hours) [WE] Wellness Evaluations [S] Schedule* *80% of committed time in front of serving counter and no more that 20% behind serving counter on schedule Total Weekly Hours……… Total Daily Hours… Total Weekly Hours Planned For Business Total Daily Hours Planned For Business Daily: FREE Smoothie Inviting Hours…………..… Daily: Wellness Evaluations………..… (100 Full time, 50 Part Time) (20 Dials, 10 Talks Per Hour) Daily: Dialing – Practice Wellness Profiles………… Daily: Schedule…….. (No more than 20% of time) (20 Dials, 10 Talks Per Hour) Daily: Follow Up For Wellness Evaluations….. Following Up On Order Tickets)
Quickstart Worksheet: 2-4-1 Schedule Commitment Club Calendar: The Nutrition Coach Club Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 6:00 AM 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 8:00am-5:30pm Boot Camp 8am - 9am 10:00 AM Boot Camp 8:30pm – 9:30pm HOM WW 10am - 11am Herbalife STS Every 3rd Saturday of month at hotel 9:30am to 4:00pm Party Back At The Club 9am - 11am (Alternating weeks) 11:00 AM QS Training WW 11:00am-12pm 12:00 PM 1:00 PM Operator Training 1:30pm - 3:30pm 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM HOM 7pm-8:30pm HOM 7pm – 8:30pm 8:00 PM 9:00 PM 10:00 PM Yellow reflects when club is open to public Set Your Typical Weekly Schedule Commitment: Activity: [I] FREE Smoothie Inviting [D] Dialing For Practice Wellness Profiles (20 Per Hour) [F] Follow Up - Set EV Appts (within 24 hours) [WE] Wellness Evaluations [S] Schedule* *80% of committed time in front of serving counter and no more that 20% behind serving counter on schedule Total Weekly Hours……… Total Daily Hours… Total Weekly Hours Planned For Business Total Daily Hours Planned For Business Daily: FREE Smoothie Inviting Hours…………..… Daily: Wellness Evaluations………..… (100 Full time, 50 Part Time) (20 Dials, 10 Talks Per Hour) Daily: Dialing – Practice Wellness Profiles………… Daily: Schedule…….. (No more than 20% of time) (20 Dials, 10 Talks Per Hour) Daily: Follow Up For Wellness Evaluations….. Following Up On Order Tickets)
Quickstart Worksheet: 2-4-1 DMO Goal Setting 90 Day Plan: FREE Invite DMO Goals*: Daily Method Of Operations Full Time Goals Part Time Goals Your Goals % Daily Wkly Mo. Invites 100 500 2000 50 250 1000 FREEs 5% 5 25 2.5 12.5 WP Appt Set 25% 1.25 6.25 0.63 3.125 WP Done 75% 0.94 .4.69 18.75 0.47 2.35 9.38 WP Sold 0.71 3.52 14.08 0.36 1.76 7.04 Avg. Orders $350 $249 $1,243 $4,970 $126 $630 $2,520 Profit - Dist $62 $311 $32 $158 Profit - SC 35% $87 $435 $1,740 $44 $221 $882 Profit - SB 42% $104 $522 $2,087 $53 $265 $1,058 Profit - Sup 50% $124 $621 $2,485 $63 $315 $1,260 DMO stands for Daily Method Of Operation and it’s defined as the daily activity you engage in that will build your business. Your 90 Day Plan is doing your Daily Method Of Operation EVERYDAY for 90 days! A key to your success is being consistent and persistent. And! It is easier to build your business faster than slower. Success Pointers: Practice Wellness Profiles DMO Goals*: Set Your Daily, Weekly & Monthly Goals here. Allocate and commit time – see Schedule. Run as a business not a hobby Use Gauge to track all activities Attend all trainings Promote ALL Events!!! Daily Method Of Operations Full Time Goals Part Time Goals Your Goals % Daily Wkly Mo. Dials 20 100 400 10 50 200 Talks 25% 5 25 2.5 12.5 WP Appt Set 1.25 6.25 0.63 3.125 WP Done 75% 0.94 .4.69 18.75 0.47 2.35 9.38 WP Sold 0.71 3.52 14.08 0.36 1.76 7.04 Avg. Orders $350 $249 $1,243 $4,970 $126 $630 $2,520 Profit - Dist $62 $311 $32 $158 Profit - SC 35% $87 $435 $1,740 $44 $221 $882 Profit - SB 42% $104 $522 $2,087 $53 $265 $1,058 Profit - Sup 50% $124 $621 $2,485 $63 $315 $1,260 I, ______________________, commit to myself to faithfully and consistently work my business based on the DMO goals, 90 Day Plan and Schedule I set forth here. Sign____________________ Date____________________ Total DMO Goals*: Total Combined Daily Method Of Operations Full Time Goals Part Time Goals Your Goals % Daily Wkly Mo. Profit - Dist 25% $124 $621 $2,485 $63 $315 $1,260 Profit - SC 35% $174 $870 $3,479 $88 $441 $1,764 Profit - SB 42% $209 $1,044 $4,175 $106 $529 $2,117 Profit - Sup 50% $249 $1,243 $4,970 $126 $630 $2,520 *Model does not calculate for packaging/shipping/tax and results may vary based on your experience, skill level, and commitment.
Quickstart Worksheet: 2-4-1 Event Scheduling Leverage The Events: Event Trainings are key to building a successful organization and achieving financial success. Let the events do the work for you! JANUARY Spectacular 2 Days (Qtr) DEC STS FEB STS NOV STS MAR STS APRIL Leadership Development Weekend 2 Days (Qtr) OCTOBER Extravaganza 4 Days (Qtr) Calendar Your Events In Advance & Make Events A Work Day These events are usually held in hotels. See you mentor for locations. SEP STS MAY STS JULY Leadership Development Weekend 2 Days (Qtr) AUG STS JUN STS STS = Monthly Success Training Seminar (A 1 day Saturday Training) Work Event To Event: You Your Team Your Team’s Team HOM (Tue) HOM (Thu) HOM (Sat) STS (Mth) LDW (Qtr) Held At The Nutrition Club Held At A Local Hotel For more tools and information see: http://www.wellnessnc.com/tools.aspx
Quickstart Worksheet: 2-4-1 Event Scheduling Check box the financial lifestyle you want to achieve and set your event dates below. Position Profit To STS Events Volume Goal Date 5 Active Supervisors 5 x 2,000 VP 10,000 VP World Team $500 - $1,500 GET Team 10 Active Supervisors $1,000 - $5,000 10 x 2,000 VP 20,000 VP 40 Active Supervisors MIL Team $5,000 - $15,000 40 x 2,000 VP 80,000 VP 100 Active Supervisors PRES Team $15,000 - $100,000 100 x 2,000 VP 200,000 VP Calendar Your Events And Make Events A Work Day: Available Herbalife STS: http://www.herbalifeevent.com or http://www.orangecountysts.com Next Herbalife STS Event Success Training Seminar No# Of People You’re Bringing Enter Event Date and Calendar Event Next Herbalife STS Event Success Training Seminar No# Of People You’re Bringing Enter Event Date and Calendar Event Next Herbalife Quarterly Event Leadership Development Weekend, January Spectacular Annual Extravaganza Event Preparation: No# Of People You’re Bringing Enter Event Date and Calendar Event Leverage The Training Events: Use Events as a Tool to grow your business Work Event to Event within 90 Day Windows: Weekly: Tues HOM to Thur HOM to Sat Product Training to Monthly: Herbalife STS to Quarterly: January Spectacular Leadership Development Weekends Annual: Extravagnaza Get your ticket early and save money Be early and sit with team Team Photos and Post Training Debrief right after training in Corridor For more tools and information see: http://www.wellnessnc.com/tools.aspx
Quickstart Worksheet: 2-4-1 Promotions Qualify For All The Promotions: Promote all Herbalife promotions to your team. Always know about all available promotions. Promotions build your check! Qualify for everything!!! Available Herbalife STS: http://www.myherbalife.com or http://www.fssebc.com Request invite to the FSSebc Organization website from your up-line. Current Promotions: Herbalife Annual Vacation To Herbalife Cruise!!!! Start Date End Date Qualification Volume Breaks >>> Herbalife Extravaganza Promotion To Special Seating, Prizes, and Events Start Date End Date Special Event >>> Special Event >>> VIP Qualification Volume Breaks >>> Herbalife Quarterly VIP Promotion To Special Seating, Prizes, and Events Start Date End Date Qualification Volume Breaks >>> FSS Organization Promotion To Trips and Prizes!!!! Start Date End Date Qualification Volume Breaks >>> Our President’s Team Promotion To Trips and Prizes!!!! Start Date End Date Qualification Volume Breaks >>> For more tools and information see: http://www.wellnessnc.com/tools.aspx
Club Operator Member Positions Quickstart Worksheet: 2-4-1 Club Positions Club Operator Member Positions Premier Member: Associate Member: Club Benefits: Club Benefits: Full access and use of Nutrition Club to build your Herbalife business $1.00 paid weekly for every paid smoothie generated from your FREE Invites and your Associates FREE Invites. Placed on Club Volume monthly rotation (typical volume orders range from 1000 – 3000 VP) May use your own club approved FREE Invite cards Full access and use of Nutrition Club A NO FEE Membership option is available to you leverage your Herbalife business within the Nutrition Club. Shared FREE Invite cards provided by your up-line at no cost. Club Commitment: Option A: 100 FREE Invite Cards handed out by you per week on behalf of your up-line Premier Member Club Commitment: Option B: $75 month to month membership fee. $250 month to month membership fee 2 Healthy Meal Contributions (2 Aloes, 2 Teas, 2 Formula 1s’, 2 PDMs’) for 60 FREE Memberships. Being on schedule 1 to 2 days depending on size of existing team. Follow published policies and procedures Other Commitments: 1 Healthy Meal Contribution (1Aloe, 1 Tea, 1 Formula 1, 1 PDM) Maybe waived by Club Partners Being on schedule 1 day or 2 ½ Days per week. Follow published policies and procedures Associate Member Program May not be available for 1st line sidelines working within Nutrition club Note: Nutrition Club participation is not a requirement of becoming an independent Herbalife distributor. A great alternative for Herbalife distributors unable to operation within a nutrition club, is the Mobile Wellness Coach program. For more information on Mobile Wellness Coaching, ask your mentor. For more tools and information see: http://www.wellnessnc.com/tools.aspx