Ancient Greek Gods
Zeus Roman name =Jupiter God of = sky, King of the Gods Symbols= lightning bolt, oak tree, Aegis (breastplate), eagle Personal characteristics= protector, punisher, powerful; he’s a “player”
The Muses Nine daughters of Zeus who provide inspiration to artists and thinkers
The Three Fates They control the destiny of each human life: Clotho spins the thread of life. Lachesis measures its length. Atropos cuts the thread.
Poseidon God of = the sea, horses, and earthquakes Roman name= Neptune Symbol= the trident, a three-pronged fish spear
Poseidon Shows his anger= creating tidal waves and earthquakes Personal Characteristics = He’s like the sea: he can be calm and peaceful, and he can be raging and angry. He also likes women.
Hades Roman Name = Pluto God of = The Underworld, Wealth, Minerals Personal Characteristics= strict, grim, stern (NOT evil!)
Hades Cerberus= Hades’ three-headed watchdog
In the Underworld River Styx= One of the five rivers surrounding the underworld Charon= Ferryman who took souls across the River Styx. It was important to have a coin for Charon to pay for the ride. Dead bodies would be buried with a coin under the tongue for that reason. Elysian Fields= Area of the underworld where heroes were sent; a nice place!
Hera Roman Name= Juno Wife of = Zeus Goddess of = marriage, family, childbirth Personal Characteristics= Beautiful, jealous, shrewd Symbols= peacock and cow
Demeter Roman Name= Ceres Goddess of = harvest, agriculture Symbol= sheaf of grain Persephone= Her daughter Pomegranate= We’ll get to this one when we read the myth!
Hestia ! Roman Name= Vesta Patron/Goddess of = the hearth and home Symbol= fire Why is so little known about her = She was the most beloved of goddesses, worshipped in every Greek home, but nobody wanted to tell stories about her (that would be like spreading rumors, and so they didn’t want to disrespect her like that.) !