Hecate Christopher Newell Katie Colip Nevada Drollinger Meg Cross
-Triple goddess (three forms) -Chthonic deity (consort of Hermes) -Virgin goddess -Goddess of the crossroads -Later, goddess of magic, night, and witchcraft -Roman name: Trivia
-Daughter of the Titans Perses and Asteria, sister to Leto -One of the Titans that joined with Zeus -Mentioned in the Theogony as honoured by Zeus “above all” -Given a share of earth and sea, and honoured in heaven -According to Harry Thurston Peck’s Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities, she represented divine power and the gods’ will
-Invoked in all sacrifices and rites -Statues and images found in homes and by the sides of roads -Attributes are the dogs of the Styx, three bodies holding different items such as snakes, torches, keys, and daggers -Associated and confused at times with Artemis and Persephone
-Associated with the myth of Jason and the Argonauts -teacher of Medea, who used her powers to help and enact her revenge on Jason -teacher of Medea, who used her powers to help and enact her revenge on Jason -Sometimes depicted in the myth of the rape of Persephone -comforted Demeter while the goddess was distressed -comforted Demeter while the goddess was distressed -sometimes said to be the one that guided Kore to Demeter -sometimes said to be the one that guided Kore to Demeter
- Also known for killing the Giant Klytios with her torches
-In later times, Hecate became less a goddess of the crossroads and wild areas and more associated with magic and witchcraft, especially in pop culture (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) and neo- paganism -Sometimes, she is even viewed as evil or a demon in modern times
-Little can be drawn from Hecate’s role as goddess of crossroads -Most parallels are due to her role as goddess of witchcraft and magic -Lilith of Sumerian-Hebrew myth is a sorceress as well, involved with power, namely, trying to take it from Adam -Isis of Egyptian myth uses magic as well, especially in her quest to restore her husband to life -Freya of Norse myth was also counted as a sorceress and user of shamanic magic, even teaching it to Odin Isis Lilith Freya
Sources - bin/ptext?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A %3Aid%3Dhecate Hesiod’s Theogony