Overview of YOUR Community Homepage
Slide showing Community Icon on student gateway You can access Community from the Student Gateway
Log in using your Cornell username and password
This is your home screen
‘My Groups’ is a list of organizations you are involved with
‘Latest Activity’ lists actions happening with organizations you are involved with
You can chose what ‘latest activity’ you want to see. Since all of my updates are events, if I unselect ‘Event Updates’
I will have ‘No Activity’ listed
If you’re looking to become involved with more organizations, click on the ‘Student Groups’ tab
Then ‘Find A Group to Join’
You can narrow the list by using the A-Z index
Or search by type
You can ‘Show Interest’ in a group which will generate a message to group admins. They can then follow up with you and answer any questions
Or you can join the group on Community
Just because you join a group on Community does not mean you are an active member of the organization. Please check with each group to determine membership requirements
Other Individual Community features
You can connect your Community activity with Facebook and Linkedin
These icons will let you know if you are logged in or not
The people icon takes you directly to the Student Groups section
If you have constructive feedback regarding Community, please notify the staff through the Feedback form
The first time you log in, make sure you check your account settings
Account homepage
Copy this URL into your Gmail calendar to sync with your Community calendar
You are able to personalize all of these fields. Feel free to share as much or as little as you want.
Questions? For any questions regarding Community, or if you would like to schedule a personal training contact Tera Kringle, Director of Student Activities x4334