The New Zealand Lions Website
Why have a national website? To promote Lions nationally & internationally To attract new members
How does having a national website help? Regular updated content improves Search rankings Links to other websites such as improves rankings Adds credibility to the general public Reduces costs to clubs - IT’S FREE Provides support to club webmasters If you can use WORD you can update your club webpages
New Feature – Soon to be released
What can your club do? Appoint a club webmaster Promote your own webpages e.g. or Or Use standard addresses e.g. or
Developments Better searching for clubs Online ordering of supplies Online payment for purchases – Credit Card payments Online Convention Registrations Smart lists for DG’s etc Facility to easily update members details How to video clips
Download The Simpletons Guide from RESOURCES area Contact your District Webmaster for a logon and password Or Getting Started
The New Zealand Lions website IS NOT The Council Chairman’s website or Iain and Amanda’s website or my website IT IS YOUR WEBSITE So send any suggestions to Suggestions