Opportunities for further involvement
Physical activity roles
Player/performer Primarily concerned with developing the ability to make effective plans to improve performance When are you a player? When are you a performer? In order to bring about improvements in your performance you need good…………………………….. WHAT?
ORGANISER Involves bringing together all the main ingredients at the right time at the right place in order to maximise promotion, participation & high-quality performance What does an organiser have to be good at?
Organiser Be competent in managing & organising: Facilities Time Personnel Funds at time They also work at different levels & undertake quite a large range of duties & responsibilites
Leader/coach Specialist in an activity Responsible for preparing a player in skill acquisition, correct technique, physical or mental state Influence individuals or groups to achieve set goals or behaviour in sport Know different styles of leadership Basic communication skills
Choreographer The designer or arranger of some sort of staged dance or other performances Need to be aware of the techniques of choreography Be able to assess levels or standards of performance
Official Controls the activity Interprets the rules, laws or regulations Checks equipment In this role you can be: Referee/umpire Judge Marshall/steward Scorer/timekeeper/recorder Vital that you know the rules & regulations
Vocational opportunities
Why did you take GCSE PE?
What various vocations could be considered in the ‘sport & leisure industry’?
Sports performers What are the differences between: Professional Amateur Semi-professional
Professional Takes part in sport for their livelihood Amateur Takes part in sport as a pastime or hobby Do not get paid Take part for the enjoyment factor In some activities it is actually forbidden for an amateur to receive any money at all
Semi - professional Combination of both – someone that might have a job but who also takes part in sport for payment Usually work full-time & play sport in their spare time – but some work part-time so that they can train & play over a longer period Some sports are OPEN SPORTS An activity that allows both amateurs & professionals to compete together
There are various loopholes that enable amateur players to receive money and there are even shamateurs in many sports as well! Some of these loops holes include: Sponsorship deals Given equipment, clothing, free travel & even cash payments Occupations A ‘job’ that includes a great deal of time off to train & compete Expenses payments Often far more than the expenses & are effectively just cash payments Scholarships Universities & colleges offer sport scholarships, which then allow full- time sport to be carried out
Person A 1.Name 5 physical activity roles? Performer, official, chorographer, leader/coach, organiser 2.What is a shamateur? Someone who competes in an amateur sport but who receives illegal payment 3.What is a professional? Takes part in sport for their livelihood – get paid as a full-time job 4.What does an organiser have to ensure? Brings together all the ingredients at the right time, in the right place. Manages & organisers facilities, time & funds 5.Name 2 loopholes of how players can receive money. Sponsorship deals, occupations, expenses payments, scholarships
Person B 1.As an official you can be what? State 3. – referee/umpire, judge, marshal/steward, scorer/timekeeper/recorder 2.Name 4 careers opportunities in the sport & leisure industry. PE teacher, coach, trainer, physiotherapist, sports management, personal trainer 3.What is an open sport? An activity that allows both amateurs & professionals to compete together 4.What is an amateur? Takes part in sport as a hobby, not paid, usually has a job 5.Name the other 2 loopholes that your partner didn’t mention of how players can receive money. Sponsorship deals, occupations, expenses payments, scholarships
Home Learning Create a poster/booklet advertising the variety of further qualifications that are available relating to PE and sport Use page 112 & 113 to help you Make sure you know about each as I will be testing you next lesson.