Allusions in Frankenstein
Paradise Lost by Milton Did I ________________thee, from my _____ To ____________ me man? Did I ____________thee From darkness to _________________ me? Paradise Lost, X, (Hint: look in your book after the preface)
Paradise Lost – the story Satan Leaping over the Walls of Heaven ~Richard Edmond Flatters
In Paradise Lost, the reason Adam and Eve get booted out of Eden is that they believe they know better than God, by eating the fruit, even though they've been warned against it. It is the idea of taking on a "God" role -- believing that one knows more than God and defying the laws of God as a result.
Dr. Frankenstein creates a being out of dead body parts, reaching outside of the scope of power for human beings takes on the role of Creator/God During the period the story was written, it was sensational to consider the idea of a man creating a being out of dead bodies. The idea was particularly frightening. (Not that it's not now, but the religious aspects are less common to our population these days.)
One particular parallel between Frankenstein and Paradise Lost is the idea of humans defying God and/or believing that they are as wise (or wiser than) as God and that they have the capacity to do things that only God does. What is one parallel between Frankenstein and Paradise Lost? Why would Shelley use this piece as an allusion?
Prometheus Myth Stole the power of fire and gave it to man. (How can you tie someone to a lake?)
Prometheus was the wisest Titan. His name means "forethought" and he was able to foretell the future. By some accounts, he and his brother, Epimetheus, were delegated by Zeus to create man. In all accounts, Prometheus is known as the protector and benefactor of man. He gave mankind a number of gifts including fire. He also tricked Zeus into allowing man to keep the best part of the animals sacrificed to the gods and to give the gods the worst parts.
For this, Zeus punished Prometheus by having him chained to a rock with an eagle tearing at his liver. He was to be left there for all eternity or until he agreed to disclose to Zeus which of Zeus’ children would try to replace him. He was eventually rescued by Hercules without giving in to Zeus. Another reason to love Hercules! Help!
Characteristics of Gothic Literature: Gloomy settings Mood of decay and degeneration Violence or grotesque actions Supernatural Now, which aspects of The Ancient Mariner reflect elements of Gothic Literature?
Strange weather Albatross as the bird of good men Death and life-in-death Spirit of land and mist Angelic spirits that move the dead men. Spirits the mariner hears in a trance.