June 30
Each and every member is important to the whole Your membership and participation are valuable to us and we appreciate that this is a difficult time of uncertainty The following information is provided based on what we know today; we are all working with many unknowns
REAL program appropriation, $3.1 million ◦ Impacts REAL contract for all MOREnet services ◦ No contract can be signed until funds are released State Aid appropriation, $3.5 million ◦ Impacts certification process ◦ Please continue to send in forms as usual Both appropriations are restricted until funds become available
MOREnet has a contingency fund for a portion of the Online Resource Databases ◦ EBSCO, Gale and LEL will be renewed for FY15; Full and Basic members will retain access ◦ Job & Career Accelerator will not be renewed for FY15 ◦ We are exploring options to retain access to Heritage Quest for FY15 and hope to share this information as soon as possible
Invoicing will begin July 1 to provide you with as much notice as possible Invoices will reflect the FY15 MOREnet rate, no REAL subsidy can be applied to any service fee Applicable FY15 E-rate discounts will be included Invoices terms will be Net 90
Public Library Tax Revenue MOREnet One-year Annual Fee REAL Member One-year Annual Fee MOREnet Three-year Annual Fee REAL Member Three-year Annual Fee $0-$24,999$1,040$190$816$136 $25,000-$74,999$1,040$540$816$416 $75,000-$124,999$1,040 $816 $125,000-$249,999$3,848$2,183$3,366$1,881 $250,000-$399,999$6,656$3,771$5,916$3,251 $400,000-$599,999$12,272$4,916$11,016$4,284 $600,000-$999,999$12,272$6,552$11,016$5,726 $1,000,000-$2,999,999$15,080$9,680$13,566$8,566 $3,000,000 or greater$15,080$12,380$13,566$11,066
Public Library Tax Revenue MOREnet One- year Annual Fee REAL Member One-year Annual Fee MOREnet Three-year Annual Fee REAL Member Three-year Annual Fee $0-$24,999$676$124$459$77 $25,000-$74,999$676$351$459$234 $75,000-$124,999$676 $459 $125,000-$249,999$3,120$1,770$2,652$1,482 $250,000-$399,999$5,564$3,064$4,845$2,565 $400,000-$599,999$10,452$4,107$9,231$3,511 $600,000-$999,999$10,452$5,485$9,231$4,694 $1,000,000-$2,999,999$12,896$8,196$11,424$7,124 $3,000,000 or greater$12,896$10,546$11,424$9,274
Upgrade orders currently in process are being placed on hold where possible ◦ MOREnet will contact you directly to discuss your preference on continuing with the upgrade or not New upgrade requests will be at the member’s cost
Membership Services, For-Fee Services and Connectivity are all separate service decisions Most connections carry an early termination fee (ETP), typically equivalent to the Monthly Recurring Cost for each month remaining in the circuit term (normally 1, 3 or 5 years) ◦ ETPs are each member’s responsibility ◦ For your reference, MOREnet will share any applicable ETPs with each library as of July 1
Additional Services sponsored by REAL are on hold pending funding availability Including: ◦ Annual conference registrations and sleeping rooms ◦ Wireless assessments ◦ Sponsored training courses or regional events
At that time, MOREnet will work with the State Library to address the available funds and how these can be applied to members’ service fees
We are happy to talk with each of you about your individual library fees and can help you explore available options for modifying your services Please do not hesitate to reach out with questions about your services Please contact Jeanne Sullivan or Natasha Angell Thank you for your time