Background The Team Dr Delene Heukelman ROLE: Course Designer Subashnie Soobramoney ROLE: Blackboard Classroom Designer
Computer Skills 1 Pathfinder Project
Background What is Computer Skills about? Basic computing, Word, Excel, Powerpoint Servicing Applied Sciences, Health and Engineering 6 months duration offered bi-annually 400 – 700 students per semester Total of 55 lecture periods/week needing staff allocation.
Background What are our Challenges? Resources – Labs, Staff Different skills levels of students Ensuring a uniform standard of teaching Testing/ marking Capturing of marks Communication
Pathfinder How did Blackboard help? Communication Address different skills levels of students- more learner centred Uniform standard of teaching Videos and presentations allow for students to follow while listening. Online Assessments
Pathfinder What Challenges did Blackboard bring? NON Believers First year student’s access and enrolment Batch enrolment of first year students Late Registrations Online Assessments and network dependance
Shortfalls Blackboard Scalability Issues? Small scale testing works well Infrastructure becomes more volatile as the numbers increase. DUT is currently dedicated to upgrade Blackboard infrastructure and Blackboard services
Student Lecturer Blackboard ITS Registration Confirmation of e-classroom enrolment Notification of student added Submit student details for auto-enrollment Auto Enrollment
Student Lecturer Blackboard ITS Student completes assessment Creates assessment Gradebook uploaded Online Assessments MYITLAB Selects assessment Assessment generated Auto graded
MYITLAB Online Classroom Licences per student Dedicated e-book of your choice Generates tests Grades tests Student feedback indicated that students enjoyed the package and the testing mechanisms The Good
Learning Experiences Integration with blackboard - 6 weeks prior to beginning the course. Enrolment is done by Pearson. Password settings also Pearson Late registration - delay Simulator testing environment very specific Overall pass rate was maintained compared to previous semesters with this group of students. MYITLAB
Going Forward Auto Enrolment – huge time saving Pearson MYITLAB for GEN-ED ICT module Best Practice