How Does WSTA Support Science Teachers? WSTA CONFERENCE-SPOKANE, WASHINGTON OCTOBER 17-19, 2014
Long Term Organizational Goals Promoting professional knowledge and growth. Establishing a communication network. Exploring curriculum development. Recognizing and rewarding excellence. Creating public awareness of the importance of quality science education. Forming an organized voice on pertinent legislative policies and issues.
Goals for Ongoing professional development informed by our members Sustainable practices to provide conferences on an annual basis Utilizing our new website for the purpose of serving our membership
Our New WSTA Website! Manages membership Manages registrations for conferences, volunteers, professional development Online WSTA Journal Member Access using a login (Let’s visit!)
Membership and Benefits New and Renewal Access to more features once you are a member reminders and Blasts WSTA Momentum Updates!
WSTA Journal Stay informed Now electronic! Relevant Information about practices and pedagogy Upcoming events, elections, other info Downloadable or Viewable on the site
How can we support your work? 10 Regional Representatives Professional Development Needs/Survey Conference
Professional Development Informed by OSPI, Washington State LASER, WA STEM Quality trainers-Our Regional Representatives! Our goal-Each region Common training outline Information and Registration through our website
Professional Development This Year! Biology End-of-Course Biology Collection of Evidence Implementation of NGSS Let us know (survey)!survey
Financial Support WSTA Leadership Scholarship Teacher of the Year Award Other opportunities
Opportunities to Serve WSTA Board Positions Volunteering Work with Regional Representatives
Thanks for coming! John Parker WSTA President Roy Beven WSTA President-Elect