Metro Motors
What you told us Current Campaign: Geo Targeted Yahoo,, AutoGuide, Yahoo!,, and News-Leader print. Campaign goals: – Increase Web site traffic to – Increase leads for campers, rv’s and used cars – Increase sales for campers, rv’s and used cars
Users the Springfield DMA have seen your online ads 172,454 times in the past month 70 users responded directly to your message for more information about the Deals of the Week CTR:.04%
Springfield Area UV by Dealer (Registrations in Christian, Dallas, Greene, Laclede, Lawrence, Polk, Pulaski, Stone, Taney, Webster - Dealers in Arkansas, Kansas, and Missouri) Used Registration Data as of:MAR-2011Used Registration Category: County: Zip Town: Dealer State: Dealer NameDealer TownCurrent Month SUM Current Month - 1 Year Ago SUM CYTD SUMCYTD - 1 Year Ago SUM Rolling 12 Months YTD SUM Rolling 12 Months YTD - 1 Year Ago SUM CYE - 1 Year Ago SUM CYE - 2 Years Ago SUM CYE - 3 Years Ago SUM METRO MOTORS INCSPRINGFIELD Polk Data You have sold 11 more units in the last 90 days vs. the previous year.
Next steps Change Geo target approach and start reaching Lisa next month Change creative message to focus on family vacations. Introduce call tracking campaign for all products
EXAMPLE: How we will reach Lisa Lisa is a busy, young mom in her 30s She’s interested in keeping her family safe, while being comfortable and stylish She spends significant time online searching for entertainment, gathering information and finding the best deals while keeping their busy lives organized FPO