Project HELM Changes to Apparatus Licensing as a result of Project HELM
Accredited Persons (AP’s) >AP’s can submit complete licence application, licence and customer details together with frequency assignment details. >AP’s can specify Payment Office for Applications (Customer or AP). >Two options for AP’s to submit applications: 1. ALF-e: ALF-e is an extension of the current ALF system developed for device registrations. ALF-e will allow AP’s to submit licence applications via XML directly to the ACMA. 2. Intelledox Forms – ACMA has developed electronic versions of the ACMA’s applications forms which can be used by AP’s to create and submit an applications to the ACMA. >Electronic submissions through the AP process will mostly be automated and should streamline the process for AP’s.
Licence Renewals >Licence Renewal Terms – currently ACMA’s renewals are issued for a default licence period of 12 months. In future, licence renewals will be issued for the same term as previously issued (e.g. An initial licence taken out for 5 years will receive a renewal notice for another 5 years). >Introduction of a Validation Notice prior to renewal – 90 days before expiry date (CSV or PDF) >Renewal notice to be sent 30 days before expiry date >Exempt Renewals – Exempt customers no longer required to advise ACMA if exempt status has changed at renewal. Licences will be renewed automatically for exempt customers when renewal notice is issued
Data and Register of Radiocommunications Licences (RRL) >No more CD ROM. Same data is now available on ACMA website. CD ROM users no longer required to pay for subscription or purchase of CD ROM. >Due to change in licence structures in the new system, the data provided by the ACMA has changed formats (e.g. move from AGD66 to GDA94). >Updated RRL – PDF versions of apparatus licences will be available for download on the RRL. RRL will contain enhanced and additional search capabilities (apparatus licences by category, ASL type search (e.g. search by frequency based on coordinates). >ACMA has shifted away from using Local Government Areas (LGA) to Hierarchical Cell Identification Scheme (HCIS).
Licence Structures >Structure of licences has changed – Land Mobile example below
Licence templates and other documentation >New Licence templates – licences will have new look and feel: * Section 1: Customer/Licence Details * Section 2: Advisory Notes/Special Conditions at Licence level * Section 3: Technical Characteristics (if applicable) * Section 4: Advisory Notes/Special Conditions at Station Level >Different licence templates used for different services. >ACMA will no longer print apparatus licences of specialised blue licensing paper. Licences will be printed on plain A4 paper. >Licence will display the Date licence was printed, Date of Effect and Date of Expiry.
Licence Templates (cont) >Existing Land Mobile Licence
Licence Templates (cont) >New template – Land Mobile > 30 MHz (Transmit_Receive)
Licence Templates (cont) >As PDF versions of licences will be available online, licensees can download a copy of the licence themselves. Whereas, the ACMA charges for the reprint of a licence. >New Application forms – single application form for each licence type. Application form only contains fields relevant for the licence type. >New documentation for acknowledgment to customers of licensing processes completed by ACMA – licence issue cover note, surrender confirmation, transfer summary, renewal summary.
ACMA Taxes and Charges >In order to improve system functionality and move ACMA towards self-service licensing, ACMA has changed its charges for the issue and renewal of apparatus licences. The method for calculating taxes in the new system have also changed. >For all Licence types, except Broadcast Services (e.g. Commercial, Community etc.), that were previously subject to the Hourly Rate ($197) the charge has been changed to a set fee. This will allow customers to pay for assigned licences application upfront. The updated taxes and charges can be found in the April 2015 Fee Schedule. >Renewal charges for all licence types, except Television Outside Broadcast Network ($23), have changed to $4. For example, PTS licences were previously charged the hourly rate for renewal.
ACMA Taxes and Charges (cont) >The issue/renewal charge for non-assigned licences have been separated and the renewal charge set to standard renewal fee of $4. This will provide a significant saving for non-assigned licences taken out for multiple years. >Due to the renewal charge being set at $4, the previous multi-year discount for non-assigned licences has been removed. >Variation charge for assigned licences has been set to be the same charge as for the first issue of the licence. Previously the variation charge was based on the hourly rate. >Variation charge introduced for LPON services. LPON services are initially allocated via auction so a variation fee had to be introduced specifically for LPON’s
ACMA Taxes and Charges (cont) >Variation charge introduced for LPON services. LPON services are initially allocated via auction so a variation fee had to be introduced specifically for LPON’s. >Taxes in the new system for assigned licences will be calculated based on the Appendix C assigned licence tax formula in the ACMA’s 2015 Fee Schedule. This change will minimise the instances of rounding errors that have occurred over the last number of years.
Amateur Licensing >Station Location will no longer be recorded as a special condition on the licence. The Station Location will be recorded in the ACMA’s licensing database and not be printed on the licence. >Licence specific special conditions for Amateurs (for e.g. Special Conditions for Earth/Moon experiments) will be displayed on the licence and the RRL. Previously any user-defined or pre-defined special conditions for amateur licences were not displayed on the RRL.
Questions?: >Any Questions? >For any further information regarding changes, please Contact Brett McClymont on (02) or