Wind and Other Renewable Energy Sources Physics 1303 3/31/03.


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Presentation transcript:

Wind and Other Renewable Energy Sources Physics /31/03

Renewable Energy comes in many forms: Wind Energy Hydroelectric Geothermal Biomass Ocean Thermal

Wind Energy Uses the kinetic energy of wind. Needs high wind speed. Maximum efficiency is 59%. Practical efficiency is nearly 50%.

Wind Resource Map of the US

Desert Sky Wind project Iraan, Texas Owner: American Electric Power Customer: CPS Manufacturer: GE Wind Energy (formerly Enron)

Desert Sky 1.5 MW/Turbine 107 Turbines Min. Wind: 8 mph Max. Wind: 56 mph

Desert Sky Financing Depends on State Renewable Tax Incentive Program. AEI must guarantee to operate the system for 30 years

Desert Sky ERCOT (Energy Reliability Council of Texas) maintains the electric grid for most of the state. AEI is not allowed to generate more than 100 MW

Desert Sky Wind has some impact on the site as shown in the diagram. Source of income for ranchers.

Wind Calculation Stop and do the wind problem.

Hydroelectric power Energy is stored as gravitational potential energy. Electrical generators convert mechanical energy to electrical energy.

Hydroelectric power Largest source of renewable energy in US Fill with silt Loss of wild rivers Catastrophic flooding Salmon breeding blocked

Geothermal Energy Localized surface level hot spots. Geothermal energy may be exploited for local uses. Not an important global resource.

Geothermal Energy An important resource for Costa Rica and some other countries. Not really renewable.

Biomass Energy Plant material is burned directly or converted into a fuel. An example: Conversion of grain to ethanol and the production of gasohol (10% ethanol and 90% gasoline)

Biomass Energy Renewable Recycles CO2 Could use agricultural waste Competes for agricultural land Low efficiency

Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion OTEC uses the temperature differences between the ocean surface and ocean depths to run a heat engine. Highest potential in deep tropical waters like the Gulf of Mexico.

OTEC Second Law of Thermodynamics: Max eff. = (T high - T low )/ T low So, efficiency is pretty low.

OTEC Problem Stop and do the OTEC problem.

Wind and Renewable Energy Technologies Do these technologies represent the dawning of a new age of sustainable development?