WORKSHOP ON GEOTHERMAL ENERGY: ICELANDIC - BRITISH COOPERATION The Icelandic Energy System Gudni A Jóhannesson Director General Orkustofnun - The Icelandic National Energy Authority
Advises the government on energy resources Energy efficiency and transition to renewable sources Mining licenses for metals and minerals Future scenarios energy needs and energy conversion Data on energy and other earth resources Licenses for research and exploitation of energy, mineral resources and hydrocarbons Directs research on energy resources Regulator for the national grid Non geothermal heating subsidy scheme UNU Geothermal training program International cooperation on energy issues
Geothermal map of Iceland. ( Basemap: Geological map of Iceland by Haukur Jóhannesson and Kristján Sæmundsson Iceland. 1: Icelandic Institute of Natural History It is all about geology
Geothermal energy flow 333*10 6 TWh
Basic research – geology – geophysics – utilisation Central storage of research data Legal and regulatory framework – administration Risk mitigation for geothermal drilling – The Energy Fund Financial support for district heating replacing subsidized heating Licensing surveys and power plants Government interventions over time to promote geothermal heating
Geothermal District Heating Storage Tanks
ICELAND Space Heating by Source Longest distance from source to customer 63 km
Svartsengi Geothermal Plant
Hydropower 1880 MWe GWh Potential GWh* Geothermal 575 MWe 4000 GWh Potential GWh* Fossile fuels 120 MWe 3 GWh Present Electricity Use General use 3050 GWh 18.5% Large industries GWh 75.5% System loss 1000 GWh 6.0% *subject to the result of the Framework program on feasibility and ranking of different power plant options
Energy market Scotland 1200 km Europe 1800 km NORDNED 600 km
Cost Per kWh ? Freshwater Saltwater
Geothermal Beach
A Gothermal waste water pool
The Geothermal Training Programme (GTP)The Geothermal Training Programme (GTP) of The United Nations University (UNU)The United Nations University (UNU)
Installed capacity for geothermal electricity production in 2007 in different countries (Bertani, 2007) World wide potential 160 GW Investment 600 Bn USD
Reduce worldwide GHG emission by sustainable energy production/utilization from geothermal sources Make Iceland a case study for near energy independent and carbon neutral society Create a platform for entrepreneurship and export of geothermal energy expertice and education
International cooperation IEA IGA IPGT ERANET EDIN
Photo Gudni A Johannesson 2009