Joshua’s Law & Safe Driving By: Mrs. Hemphill and Kelly Cassidy
Who is Joshua? Joshua Robert was born on August 22, 1985. He loved football, he loved baseball, he loved his family. He had a gift for music and had been accepted to a prestigious music school in Boston where he would attend after graduating from his final year at Cartersville High School in Cartersville, Georgia On July 1, 2003, Joshua was driving a two- lane highway in the rain when his truck hit a puddle of water, hydroplaned, and crashed into a tree. Severely injured, he fought to stay alive for six days, but passed away on July 9th. As a result…“When Joshua lost control of his vehicle, he did not know what to do and his parents dealt with grief and guilt. That emptiness turned into a personal crusade to make sure every teen has the opportunity to learn the skills necessary to drive safely.”
What is Joshua’s Law? All 16 year-olds applying for a Class D driver's license must: complete an approved driver education course complete a total of 40 hours of supervised driving 6 hours of which must be at night, with a parent or guardian's sworn verification that these driving requirements have been met any Georgia resident who has not completed an approved driver education course must be at least 17 years old to be eligible for a Class D driver's license He or she must have completed a total of at least 40 hours of supervised driving, including at least 6 hours at night. The same verification in writing by a parent or guardian is required
What courses can I take to satisfy Joshua’s Law? Method 1 30 hours of classroom instruction at an approved DDS school. PLUS 6 hours behind the wheel training at an approved DDS school. 40 hours supervised driving with a parent or guardian. Method 2 30 hours of classroom instruction at an approved DDS school. PLUS Completion of the Parent/Teen Driving Guide Method 3 DDS approved online course PLUS 6 hours behind the wheel training at an approved DDS school. 40 hours supervised driving with a parent or guardian. Method 4 DDS approved online course PLUS Completion of the Parent/Teen Driving Guide
Statistics on teen driving: Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among 15- to 20-year olds. 16-year olds are 3 more times likely to die in a car accident than any drivers. About 2 out of every 3 teenagers killed in motor vehicle crashes in 2008 were males. 31% of drivers ages 15-20 who were killed in car crashes had been drinking some amount of alcohol; 25% were alcohol-impaired, meaning they had a blood alcohol content of 0.08 grams per deciliter or higher. 55%, or 2,014, of the 3,678 occupants of passenger vehicles ages 16-20 who were killed in crashes were not buckled up. 37% of male drivers ages 15-20 who were involved in fatal crashes were speeding at the time. 2010 Rocky Mountain Insurance Information Association.
Texting While Driving Is Hazardous Driving skill is measurably impaired by text- messaging. Writing text messages creates a significantly greater impairment than reading text messages, but both are harmful
Texting Drivers in the News A 17-year-old texting driver in New York state swerved into oncoming traffic and hit a truck head-on, killing herself and her four passengers. A texting California train engineer was involved in the collision near Los Angeles that killed 25 passengers and injured 130 others. An 18-year-old texting driver in Texas slammed full- speed into a stopped vehicle, sending a 3-year-old passenger in that vehicle to the ICU at a local hospital with a broken skull. A 16-year-old texting driver in California lost control and dies in the ensuing crash (she was also speeding and had been drinking).
What Studies Show About Texting & Cell Phone Use Driver inattention is involved in about 80 percent of crashes (NHTSA, 2006) 46 percent of teenagers text while driving (AAA) 91% of Americans think that it’s unsafe to text message while driving and that it’s just as bad as driving after a couple of drinks (Harris Poll, August 2007) Drivers talking on their cell phones were 18 percent slower braking than other motorists (University of Utah, 2005) Talking on a cell phone while driving caused impairment on par with driving with a blood-alcohol level of 0.08 percent (University of Utah)
What a Recent Study Assessed Impact of text messaging on driver performance Attitudes and beliefs that surrounded the activity in the 17-25 age category Study done by the Transport Research Laboratory in September 2008. Studied reaction times, car- following ability, lane control, and driver speed Used a driving simulator 8 male, 9 female participants between the ages of 17-24. All described themselves as regular users of text messaging and used phones with standard key pads.
The Test Drives Participants took a 10-minute familiarization drive. Had to follow a lead vehicle at a safe distance. On the next test drive, they had to read a text message, and compose and send a message. The third drive was without distractions.
What Texting Drivers Did Wrong While driving and texting, drivers: failed to detect hazards, responded to hazards more slowly, and were exposed to risk for longer periods. Negative Affects: Less able to keep a constant distance behind lead vehicle Large increases in variability of lane position Many more lane departures In actual traffic, these driving errors dramatically increase the likelihood of collision.
Dangerously Slowed Reaction Times Reaction times are slower when reading or writing a message. Reaction time for drivers trying to compose a text message increased from 1.2 to 1.6 seconds. At highway speeds, drivers can travel more than a mile while texting. Slower reaction times result in an increased stopping distance of three car lengths. Could easily make the difference between causing and avoiding an accident or between a fatal and non-fatal collision.
What Causes This Impairment? Increased mental workload required to write a text message Less physical control caused by holding the phone Visual impairment caused by continually looking back and forth from the phone display and the road ahead Reaction-time impairment caused by texting while driving was apparently greater than that caused by: drinking alcohol to the legal limit for driving smoking pot talking on a hands-free phone.
Passing a stopped school bus that is loading or unloading passengers. The felony crime of homicide by vehicle occurs when a person without planning or intent, causes the death of another while doing any of the following: Passing a stopped school bus that is loading or unloading passengers. Being involved in a hit and run accident. Driving recklessly. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Fleeing or attempting to elude a police officer. Punishment: 3 to 15 years imprisonment for each person killed in accident.
Misdemeanor crimes Homicide by vehicle occurs when a person, without planning or intent causes the death of another while committing any traffic offense other than the offenses listed for the felony crime of homicide by vehicle. (Up to 12 months imprisonment) The crime of racing on highways and streets occurs when a person races or drag races one or more cars on a street or highway (Punishable up to 12 months imprisonment and 6 month suspension of learner’s permit.) the driver of a pick-up truck allows a person under 18 years old to ride in the bed of a truck on an interstate highway (Up to 12 months imprisonment)
Suspension of a Learners Permit or Driver’s License age of 16-17 (Suspension for 4 – 6 Months) If you drop out of school. If you accumulate 10 or more unexcused absences in the current academic year or the previous academic year. If you are found in violation by a school hearing officer, panel, or tribunal or have waived the right to a hearing and pled guilty to any of the following offenses. Threatening, striking or causing bodily harm to a teacher or other school personnel Possession of alcohol on school property or at a school sponsored event. Possession of marijuana or other drugs on school property or sponsored event. Sale of drugs or alcohol on school property or sponsored event. Possession or use of a weapon on school property. Any sexual offense Causing substantial physical or visible bodily harm to or seriously disfiguring another person, including a student.
If you are under 21, your permit or driver’s license may be suspended (6 – 12 Months) If you are convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If you refuse to submit to a Breathalyzer or blood test when requested by a law enforcement officer who has reason to believe you are driving under the influence of alcohol.
Driving Tips for Teens : Always wear your seat belt--and make sure all passengers buckle up, too. Adjust your car’s mirrors and seats as needed. Never have more people in your car then your car can fit. Obey the speed limits, if you go too fast you are more likely to wreck. Speed limits are set for a reason. Before turning at an intersection, don't drive like you own the road; drive defensively. Don't do any drugs before or while you are driving. Doing drugs is against the law anyway, but when your on the road you can affect innocent people on the roads. Do not text and drive-pull over if you do need to send/read a text message