The Twister! by: Becky Berrios, Marianne Savane, Marian Casero, Brithany Velasquez, and Leandra Ntube.
THE twister gets its power from Biofuels! Biofuels are a renewable energy source that come from dead plants and animals. It may sound a bit gross, but it is a good source of energy! As you can see, biodiesel can be used to power cars and trucks!
Biofuels use energy from dead plants and animals. They burn them and the steam spins the blades of a turbine that powers the generator.
You should choose our ride because biofuels are made of dead plants and animals. They are found everywhere.
Gravity keeps people on ride. Our ride goes periodic and variable. Does same thing over and over. Speeds up - it goes up.
Renewable energy will never run out and it doesn't pollute the earth. Nonrenewable energy will some day run out and it hurts the environment