EUTO Study Visit Thursday 27th September Cllr Chris Ridgers Portfolio Holder for Economy and Regeneration
Cornwall Cornwall has a GDP of 62% of the United Kingdom average Location in extreme far west of UK Celtic heritage and strong identity with Cornish language, flag and cultural traditions 12 Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty - precious landscapes whose natural beauty is outstanding
Cornwall 400 miles of stunning coastal and river estuary scenery, including more than 300 beaches. Cornish Mining World Heritage – largest WHS in UK covering 20,000 hectares High quality food and drink Thriving arts and crafts scene
About Us Cornwall Council has economic development and low carbon economic growth at the heart of its ambitions for Cornwall. VisitCornwall is the official tourist board for Cornwall
Cornwall’s Visitor Economy 4.5milllion trips by staying visitors 25+ million bed nights The average length of stay in Cornwall was 6+ nights 231,000 available bed space capacity £1.4 Billion total visitor spend Circa 12% GVA and 20%GDP 39,100 Full time equivalent jobs
Award Winning Destination Cornwall won “Best UK Holiday County or Region” for the third year running. St Ives won “Best UK Seaside Town” for the second year running (visiting next day), Eden Project won “Best UK Leisure Attraction” - British Travel Awards 2011.
From Mass to Niche Tourism Water sports – surfing and sailing Food and drink – more Michelin starred chefs per head of population than any other area of the UK including London Arts and Tourism Walking and cycling Industrial heritage/Cornish Mining World Heritage
: Visit Cornwall Activities Tourism Strategy & Policy Tourism Development Marketing & PR For Cornwall Digital Presence Industry Services & Events Research Activities Festivals & Events Tourist Information Support Press Relations
: How we measure Tourism in Cornwall Visitor Surveys Business Surveys Economic Impact Community Attitude Surveys Environmental Impact studies Carbon/Ecological Foot printing
The Challenges
Challenges The digital world – empowered consumers Competition: UK and elsewhere Weather – but….. When the Euro weakens Welcome and Service Knowledge about existing & future visitors Shaping and developing tourism Climate change, sustainable tourism
Final Thoughts It’s a way of thinking and acting It is about making your destination a better place to live and play and then invite others who will enjoy it to come You can get the tourism you want – not the tourism you will get if you do not plan and act effectively !