The technical potential of renewable energy Source: SRREN, IPCC, 2011
Renewable Energy Costs Source: SRREN, IPCC, 2011
Declining Renewable Energy Production Facility Source: SRREN, IPCC, 2011
Overview Source: Renewable Information 2009 World Primary Energy Composition (2007) Shares of energy sources in total global primary energy supply (2008) Source: SRREN, IPCC, 2011
World Renewable Energy Source: Renewable Information 2009 Primary Energy (A) Renew -able (B) B/A Weight of Renewable Energy (%) Mtoe (%) HydroGeothe rmal, Wind Solar Marine Renew able Waste Africa LatinAmeri ca Asia China Non- OECDEuro pe FormerSov ietUnion OECD World World Renewable Energy Growth Rate ( )
Renewable Energy Promotion Targets Wind powerSolarBiomassBio-fuelsSmall Hydro Total United Stated36 bil. gallons (2022) UK25GW (2020) 15% of TPES (2020) Spain20% of TPES (2020) Germany18% of TPES (2020) Canada90% (non-emitting sources) Italy17% of TPES (2020) Netherlands14% of TPES (2020) Australia45Twh (2020) 20% of electricity (2020) Japan14GW (2020) Korea7.3GW(2030)4.68GW (2030) 0.56GW (2030) 11% of TPEC (2030) China150GW (2020) 20GW (2020) 30GW (2020) 15mil tpy (2020) 300GW (2020) 15% of TPEC (2020) Brazil2.4GW (2012) India17.5 (2012)20GW (2022) 3.5GW (2012) 20% of diesel &petrol. (2017) 3.4GW (2012) 12.5 of electricity (2012) Pakistan5%14% of electricity (2022) Indonesia20% of electricity (2023) Thailand20% of electricity (2022) Vietnam5% of electricity (2020) Philippines0.766GW1.3GW9GW (2020) Mexico4.3% (2012)7.6% of electricity (2012) Chile10% (or 3410MW) (2024) Peru5% of electricity (2013) Egypt20% of electricity (2020) Sources: Global Trends in Sustainable Energy Investment 2010”, UNEP 2010, “Renewable 2010 Global Status Report” REN , “Renewable Energy Development in Emerging Markets” Arcadia Market Commentary 2009, “The UK Renewable Energy Strategy” HM Government 2009