Southeast Region Landmarks
Directions Click the link on each slide to learn more about landmarks in the Southeast Region. Use the readings to answer the questions on your answer sheet. Complete the matching activity. Turn in your answer sheet when you are done.
Washington, D.C. Click here to learn about the Lincoln Which two famous addresses given by Lincoln are inscribed into the walls? Click here to learn about the Washington Which war delayed the construction of the Washington Monument? Click here to learn about the White Which president selected the building site for the White House?
Florida Click here to learn about the history of Everglades National How long have the Everglades been around? What exactly are the Everglades? Name the two people who helped establish Everglades National Park. Name the five categories of wildlife within the park.
Arkansas Click here to learn about the history of Hot Springs National What two things did the American Indians use novaculite from the park to make? Who sent the Dunbar-Hunter Expedition to Hot Springs in 1804? What was the Dunbar-Hunter Expedition sent to explore?
Matching Activity Complete the matching activity on the last page of your answer sheet. When you are finished, turn in your answer sheet.