Six steps to create a training tool!
Need Analysis focuses on the specific elements you want to identify. Identifies knowledge based solution Identifies skills based solution Identifies operational objectives of the training activity. Identifies the target group First Step: NEED ANALYSIS How do you determine what the participants/ local community needs?
Objectives are the guidance for implementing a training activity Sets the targets They are the milestones you can reach Set the ways to identify the success of your activity Sets the timeline to achieve the objectives Second Step: SET THE OBJECTIVES
Identify the type of the tool you would like to develop TYPES: Exercise Simulation exercise Boardgame Presentation Discussion stimulator Soft activity (energizer, group division, ice breaker etc). All aspects of the training materials must focus on the needs of the learners. Include debriefing sections Third Step: DEVELOP TRAINING TOOLS
Creativity is your friend Don’t be afraid to get inspired by: Popular stories o Fairy tales o Movies o Cartoons Popular Activities o Cooking o Sports o Theatre Famous People o Their life o Something they’ve achieved o Things they’ve said Try to create something interactive A bit of humor or pleasant activity is always attracting the attention of the learners. TIPS:
Decide the duration of the activity dividing it to: Introduction, explanation, questions Main activity Debriefing, evaluation, comments Time to change rooms, moving (if necessary) Write down or give print outs for the instructions. Prepare all material needed (and have some extra just in case) Don’t give the participants more or less material Experiment/ test the tool Form an assessment policy Form an evaluation policy Important details:
Create a comfortable learning environment Set up the training area with the appropriate materials Check your technical equipment (if needed) Be always there before (to receive participants) and during (to assist, advise, time keeping etc) Fourth Step: IMPLEMENTING THE TRAINING ACTIVITY
Changes can appear for several reasons Try to “read” the participants Assess and evaluate Have a plan B’ In case of failure of the tool, think fast and change it. If not possible discuss it with the participants. Don’t go to the next activity without the closure Don’t forget that in non formal education, even failures can be transformed to learning activities Fifth Step: BE PREPARED FOR CHANGES
Revisit the training objectives Check if all previous steps were working properly Seek to understand the reactions of the participants. Assess and evaluate Change something if necessary for the next time Ask for recommendations, advice, tips Sixth Step: Conclusion / Evaluation
This presentation was created for the needs of the training course: Formal Education Meets Non Formal Learning The competence based approach 3-11 November 2012 Kalamata, Greece Created by: Filaretos Vourkos THANK YOU!!!