1 Global Connections: Forests of the World Activity 1 Making the Global Connection
2 Objective Identify ways that forests are important to people and other living things. Develop and conduct a survey of family and friends to learn what others think about their connection to the world’s forests.
3 Searchable Key Words ecosystem services forest commodity forest product world’s forests
Background Activity 1
5 Am I connected to the forest? Activity 1 –Making the Global Connection - Background
6 Yes, we are… Activity 1 –Making the Global Connection - Background
7 Forests cover 30% of the world’s land area Activity 1 – Making the Global Connection: Background
8 1.Carbon cycle 2.Oxygen cycle 3.Nitrogen cycle 4.Soil stabilization 5.Gene storage 6.Regulate temperature 7.Regulate rain fall 8.Provide wood and fiber 9.Watershed protection 10.Habitat for animals and plants Major role of forests Activity 1 - Making the Global Connection - Background Image:
9 Watershed : The land area that delivers runoff water and sediment to a major river or stream and its tributaries Activity 1 - Making the Global Connection - Background Vocabulary
10 Habitat: The area that provides an animal or plant with adequate food, water, shelter and living space Activity 1 - Making the Global Connection - Background Vocabulary
11 Ecosystem: The interacting system of a biological community and its nonliving environment; the place where those interactions occur Activity 1 - Making the Global Connection - Background Vocabulary Image:
12 Commodity: A good or service that is exchanged for money Activity 1 - Making the Global Connection - Background Vocabulary Image:
13 Forests Provide GoodsServices Wood Products: Fuelwood, Roundwood Sawnwood Nonwood forest products: Fiber Food Medicines Cork Resins Water: Drinking Irrigation Fodder: Food for animals Removing air pollutants Carbon storage Watershed functions Regulate weather Create soilCycling nutrients Provide habitatMaintain biodiversity RecreationEmployment Activity 1 - Making the Global Connection - Background
14 The value of wood Nearly half the people on Earth use wood as fuel for cooking and heating Activity 1 - Making the Global Connection - Background
15 Wood Use FurniturePaperBuilding material ToolsPackaging Activity 1 - Making the Global Connection - Background
16 Nonwood products… Do you use these products? Activity 1 - Making the Global Connection - Background
17 Using the internet, find what tree or forest is connected to the product below. Activity 1 - Making the Global Connection - Background cork maple syrup cocoa natural rubber bamboo mushrooms honey nuts chicle ginseng colaheart of palm natural cosmetics
18 Human and trees: psychological connections Recreation Ecotourism Relaxation Therapy Spiritual connections Activity 1 - Making the Global Connection - Background
19 Recreation Activity 1 - Making the Global Connection - Background
20 Ecotourism Activity 1 - Making the Global Connection - Background
21 Relaxation and therapy Activity 1 - Making the Global Connection - Background
22 Spiritual connection Activity 1 - Making the Global Connection - Background
Doing the activity Activity 1
24 Now, time to work! In what ways is your life affected by forests? We will develop and conduct a survey to learn what others think about their connections to the world’s forest Question:Make a list: ___________________ Activity 1 – Doing the activity
Class list: ___________________ Is this an effect from a local forest or from a forest in another part of the world? In what ways is your life affected by forests? Effect from: ____ Activity 1 – Doing the activity Label your list with either: ▲ Local forest Forest in another part of the world
26 In what ways are we connected to forests all over the world? Group discussion: Activity 1 – Doing the activity
28 Let’s do a survey! Question: What do your family and friends believe about their connections to forests of the world? Tool: Write you own survey questions or Use the Forest of the World Opinionnaire (page 35) as a guide to create your own questionnaire. Procedure: Small groups for a brainstorm about questions on your survey. Choose 2 or 3 of the best questions. Test your questions with other students or teachers. Revise it if necessary. Activity 1 – Doing the activity
30 Writing your own survey questions: Possibilities of survey questions? Yes/No Multiple-choice Open-ended Combination Activity 1 – Doing the activity
31 Your survey questions: ______________________________________________________ Activity 1 – Doing the activity
32 Revising your questions: Are there any duplicates that can be eliminated? Is there an appropriate number of questions? Is there a suitable variety of question forms? What order of questions would be best? Is there anything else the survey needs? Activity 1 – Doing the activity
33 Do the survey! Deadline: _________ Sample size: _________ (How many completed surveys do we need?) Who will compile the results?________ Who will make the charts and graphs?_______ Activity 1 – Doing the activity
34 Survey results discussion: What does this survey tell us about what people think about the forests of the world? Did any of the responses surprise you? How? Which aspects of forests were the most important and least important to the people we surveyed? How did their responses compare with those of the class? Document your conclusions with appropriate charts and graphs. Activity 1 – Doing the activity
35 Assessment Write a few paragraphs about what you learned from developing the survey and from evaluating the survey results
Enrichment Activity 1
37 Interview with non-local resident Meeting with a resident from another region of the country or another country: Questions: What memories do you have of the forests? What did they look like? How did those forests compare to forests here? How did your family use the forests? What attitudes did people have about forests compared to attitudes here? Activity 1 – Enrichment: Interview
38 Using Technology Use a graphing calculator or other technology tool to graph and analyze the results of the survey. Activity 1 – Enrichment: Technology
39 Surveys are a technique used in a number of professions. Explore different ways that people might use surveys on the job. Search magazines or newspapers for stories that involve survey results or compare different online survey tools. Research Careers Activity 1 – Enrichment: Careers
40 Resource For additional sample survey questions, see the “Perceptions of Forests” issue of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations’ international journal of forestry, Unasylva 54, no. 213 (2003/2)