EuroEd pathway: projects in course of implementation
EuroEd Foundation: Member of EAQUALS and QUEST
Departments Regional Centre for European Integration: implementation of local, regional, national and international projects International Language Centre: foreign language courses and Romanian as a foreign language Regional Centre for Education and Communication: lifelong learning, adult education: local, regional, national and international professional training Kindergarten and Primary School
Projects implemented together with: British Council USA Embassy Open Society Institute in New York Location: national level, Ukraine, Republic of Moldova, Tajikistan, Kirgizstan, Kazakhstan, Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro
Scope & Content: Education: professional training for teachers, educational management Society: social inclusion, integration of disadvantaged or marginalized categories Multiliculturalism and Plurilingualism
Institutional awards 2001: World Aware: - award for projects with distinctive impact on the local community - 1 st Eastern European country to be awarded the prize
2002: European Label Awarded for the project Steps to the World: because it was integrative, adding transferable innovative values to the national educational context while having a European dimension, motivating both learners and teachers while being original and creative
2004: European Label Awarded for the project eLancenet : for promoting language learning, advocating for the learning of LWULT languages (Dutch, Greek, Irish, Italian, Lithuanian, Norwegian and Romanian)
2007: European Label Awarded for the project InterAct for successfully implementing a strategy for the education of adults: innovative and creative, with a high potential impact on the community, on the world of work.
Chain stories (2006 – 2009) Lingua 1 project financed by the EC under the LLP Partner countries: Portugal, Spain, Italy, France, Romania Objectives: improve the motivation rates towards the knowledge of the LWULT languages, inside the same linguistic family Target group: school children aged Results: a chain story: creative and enhancing activity 5 to 10 chains: 1 st school 2 nd school 3 rd school 4 th school 5 th school
No Child Left Behind (2007 – 2009) Comenius project financed by the EC under the LLP Partner countries: Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Spain and Bulgaria Objectives: promote study support activities study support = key tool in a child’s formal curriculum learning devise a training programme for teachers and trainers of study support: ICT technologies in-built quality assurance mechanisms motivate teachers and trainers into producing an enriched and more stimulating study support curriculum for their own school. appreciate the European dimension of culture Target group: school children aged 5-18 Results: a training programme for teachers and trainers
TOOL2 Tool for Online and Offline Language Learning (2006– 2009) Lingua 2 project financed by the EC under the LLP Partner countries: Estonia, Slovenia, Greece, Belgium, Hungary, Malta, UK, Spain, Romania Objectives: make the learning LWULT European languages available at a larger scale use new methodologies: blended learning Target group : learners of Dutch, Estonian, Hungarian, Maltese and Slovene (basic A2 level courses) for work/ study/ leisure mobility purposes Learners in need of flexibility Results: five Blended Learning basic A2 level courses with a strong cultural component to be set up by teachers and language centres across Europe; highly demonstrative dissemination events; Sister project: Autonomous Language Learning - ALL (Bulgarian, Lithuanian, Romanian and Turkish)
ALL Autonomous Language Learning (2006 – 2008) Lingua 2 Project financed by the EC under the LLP Partner countries: Spain, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey Objectives: to create materials at Level A2 for 4 LWULT languages: Bulgarian, Lithuanian, Romanian and Turkish to apply the Common European Framework to Level A2 where the descriptors do not already exist; to use online technologies in a blended learning course to transfer the methodology of blended learning to other providers in the four target language countries. to create courses which are flexible for online activities, so that the course can be updated and adapted to the needs of different users; to develop learner autonomy Target groups: learners interested in foreign languages for work/study/leisure mobility purposes Results: 4 blended learning courses for: Romanian, Turkish, Lithuanian, Bulgarian
ELSTI European Languages for Secretaries – Transfer of Innovation ( ) Leonardo da Vinci – Transfer of Innovation project financed by the EC under the LLP Partner countries : Italy, Lithuania, UK, Romania Objective: developing the communication skills ( linguistic + cultural) in four languages: English, Italian, French and Spanish Target group: office staff (A2/ B1) Results: (available on the online platform) 1. Business language courses (2 levels, 4 languages) 2. Training package aiming at facilitating personal development 3. Business culture modules (9 +1 European cultures) 4. Student motivation module Transfer of Innovation: ELS (European Label in 2005) Experience New module: increasing student motivation Improvement
CCN CLIL Cascade Network ( ) KA2 project financed by the EC under the LLP Partner countries: UK, Romania, Italy, France, Ireland, Poland, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Slovenia, Austria, Germany Objectives: addressing development needs regionally/nationally consolidating resources and expertise enable expert dialogue on a pan-European level creating the structures for informed development of teachers, schools, and educational administration at local, regional, and European levels Target groups: CLIL practitioners Results: network platform which will enable transfer of good practice from one environment to another
Dinocrocs Leonardo da Vinci – Transfer of Innovation project financed by the EC under the LLP Partner countries: Bulgaria, Romania, Italy, Turkey Objectives: support improvement of the quality and attractiveness of the BG, RO and TK vocational systems of pre-school and primary school education integrating the Innovative model for training the pre-school and primary school trainers and teachers (‘The Adventures of Hocus and Lotus’) implemented in IT, UK, DE, FR, ES into the BG, RO and TK national and sectoral training systems Target groups: Teacher-trainers (→ train other teachers) Primary school children Results: A new teaching and training method (paper-based, CD-ROM, website)
EAT Eating Abroad Together ( ) KA2 project financed by the EC under the LLP Partner countries: Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, Netherlands,the UK Objectives promoting language learning and linguistic diversity improving the quality, attractiveness and accessibility of language learning by developing and promoting methodologies that are innovative and fun developing materials for teaching language and cultural awareness promoting multilingual comprehension through effective dissemination activities Target group: children aged 7-12 (20 committed primary schools ) Results: Workshops in schools with the children Online data bank with healthy eating information collected by the children
LaProf: Foreign Language Learning for agriculture and ICT specialists Multilateral project promoting language learning for immigrant workers, with a focus on ICT and agriculture The main objective of the project is to facilitate access to learning resources and in this way assisting immigrants to better face the cultural differences, the terminological problems and communication issues arising in their field of work Target groups: ICT teachers Agriculture specialists Main outcome: a diversified range of foreign language exercises, destined to the defined target groups the learning resources are both focused on language and culture (
LIS: “Languages & Integration through Singing” LIS: “Languages & Integration through Singing” Starting point: The importance of music in developing multilingualism both within the formal school context and the informal lifelong learning environment Aims Encourage innovation in education Facilitate integration for a better communication and intercultural interaction and understanding Outcomes Language learning materials for Italian, Russian and Romanian as foreign languages Resources used for creating the materials: songs with visual support, with focus on a communicative approach.
Office InterActors Leonardo da Vinci project: transfer of innovation Target Groups: Business and administration staff aiming at improving the skills and professional status, including students, established practitioners, profile educational institutions Main Outcome: An educational model for vocational education including simulations in which essential competences of the target groups can be developed: foreign languages, IT skills, teamwork, negotiation, familiarization with foreign cultures and business environments, entrepreneurship, management skills
TOOL TIPLS - Tool to improve transparency of professional foreign language skills ( LLP-LDV-TOI-2009-LT-0042) The aim of the project is to develop the tool to improve transparency of professional English language (as lingua franca) skills in the selected target sectors of the Hospitality industry. This will ensure future relevant levels of foreign language competences and their evaluation to people employed or seeking employment in this area.
In addition the project's general objectives are to: -develop vocational skills through professional foreign language knowledge, specifically in relation to the Hospitality industry -enhance young peoples’ potential for mobility within the European labour market -encourage intercultural learning and empathy in the Hospitality industry for international communication in different countries -integrate professional language learning in theory with practical application within specific occupational sectors The main output of the project is a tangible product- a set of downloadable CD's with the tool of descriptors and user guide in all of the partner languages.
Art as the identity of a country and as a universal pattern which all the European countries can share ( IT2-GRU ) The aim of this partnership is to give a European context to adult education in every participating institution, and therefore to strengthen European citizenship. Activities carried out during the project will work towards a better understanding of the European countries, cultures and traditions. The emphasis of this project is on art as an expression of man’s creative ability, not only regarding the main types of art such as painting, sculpture and architecture, but also as craftsmanship; the transformation of materials into final products which originally grew out of a necessity to create everyday items and then developed into the production of high quality articles thanks to man’s individual skills. Let’s discover together some of the special items produced by man’s creativity in our countries, not only in the past by visiting museums, churches and abbeys, but also by visiting towns famous for their handicraft, farms where oil and wine are produced and where we can also sample ethnic cooking.
In-CLASS (LLP- Transfer of Innovation) LLP/LDV/TOI/2009/RO/010 In-Class, the Intercultural Communication and Language Assessment Scheme supports SMEs to improve their international competitiveness. It has been found that, companies which undergo a proper (i.e. regulated) communication audit tend to operate more effectively in selling their goods and services into markets where their mother tongue is not spoken. By signing up and taking part in the audit scheme, the companies are taught intercultural skills and communication skills, which are reflected in an increased annual turnover. The project’s target groups are specifically SMEs (small and medium sized enterprises) and mercantilist sectors who are seeking to start and/or expand their export business, in particular intra-European trade, to help them overcome their communication (language and culture) barriers. However, any organisation seeking to review its international communication needs may benefit from the availability of trained auditors in that country.
LeTS Go Programme: Life Long Learning Sub Programme: Leonardo Da Vinci – Transfer of Innovation The project Lets Go to respond to the needs outlined above intends to integrate and improve the portal developed during the Lets project in order to transfer its contents to three additional target groups: Secondary school teachers, Professional trainers and trainers working with disabilities. Results The LeTS portal being debugged and expanded. The testing of the LeTS in three areas: - Professional training: 3 countries involved (IT, DE. ES): 100 trainers - School: 3 countries (IT, PL, UK): 200 teachers The creation of two transnational networks for cooperative online learning consisting of: teachers of languages in schools trainers in language