Mobilizing Assets for Community Driven Development Coady International Institute May 21 – May
Building a Skills Inventory
Individual Skills How would you go about identifying the myriad of skills, talents, gifts and capacities that community members possess?
Mapping skills of the head, hand and heart Cooking Dancing Embroidery Salt Farming Stitching Compassion Humour Teamwork Conflict resolution Willingness to collaborate Analysis Organization Writing Management Literacy
Categories of skills Skills for making livelihoods Sub groupings? “Civic” skills (skills for building ‘community’) Think also of: Cultural skills (and indigenous knowledge) Local innovations
Individual Skills Crop Production Animal Husbandry Civic SkillsConstruction Skills Handicrafts & Artisans Artistic Skills Health SkillsOther - Farming - Weeding - Thrashing - Sowing - Harvesting - Irrigation - Flood protection - Rearing - Breeding - Fattening - Castrating - Taming horse, ox, and mule - Milking and milk processing - Conflict mediation - Group leadership - Advising - Counseling - Organizing - Masonry - Carpentry - Plastering & roofing - Surveying construction of irrigation canals - Hand dug wells - Blacksmith - Pottery - Weaving -Embroidery - Basket making - Tailoring - Spinning - Plating hair - Barbering - Tanning - Musical instruments - Singing - Dancing - Poetry - Playing traditional musical instruments - Story telling Ttraditional healing - Bone setting - Midwifery - Herbalist - Cautery - Veterinary - Birthing - Childcare, socialization - Petty trading - Weather forecast - Time reckoning - Natural resource managing - Farm tool making - Silo making
Mapping Community Associations
Associations Faith-based Gender Age Residence Sports and Recreation Shared Interest Professional Cultural Self-Help or Support
Association Mapping (SEWA, India)
Associations: Venn diagrams
Association Mapping (SEARSOLIN Philippines)
The relationships between Associations and Institutions (RCDC – MARD, Vietnam)
By mapping associations, the community Identifies existing organisational capacity Sees where the energy is in this community Understands what motivates people to organise Recognises existing leadership in the community Can think about how existing associations can be modified and expanded to meet new opportunities