Tracer Survey results RMI Diane Myazoe-De Brum & Richard Curtain 27 Sept 2011
Key tasks 1.Need accurate contact information: former student names and their contact details (address, mobile number) plus contact details for a second contact point such as parents 2.Carry out follow-up survey at a suitable time (eg three to six months) after completion of the course. Course graduates will need to have enough time to find paid work. 2
Key tasks 3.Use a survey instrument that has been used elsewhere eg from this Regional Technical Assistance 4.Achieve as high a response rate as possible. As non-respondents are more likely not to have found a job, this bias in a key survey result has to be avoided 3
Key tasks 5.Code survey response into a spreadsheet template 6.Prepare a report, describing the results as well as the conduct of the survey, dates when conducted, the response rate & reasons for non-response. Suggest ways to improve the survey in the future eg additional issues for the questionnaire 4
The program surveyed The Program Surveyed College of the Marshall Islands’ ABC (Accelerated Boot Camp) Toolbox Program: –Launched in late 2009 to address one of the nation’s identified need for technical & vocational education; –Facilitated trainees to meet basic job level entry into various construction jobs on island and in the Guam military build-up program; – Offered an intensive ten weeks program = 300 hours workforce development program;
ABC Tool Box –Consisted of a residential program where young men and women were exposed to intense levels of math and English language, as well as basic instruction on tools and carpentry; provided training in writing resumes, filling out applications, job interviewing, employability skills –Offered life skills trainings such as cooking, gardening, fishing, drivers education, – Served a Healthy & Wellness Menu and involved trainees in physical fitness activities;
ABC Tool Box Offered 4 cohorts within one year period; Trained 227 in 4 cohorts ranging between the ages of 16 – 24; Funded by the Republic of the Marshall Islands’ National Training Council; Director and English Instructor’s salaries were provided by the College of the Marshall Islands;
ABC Tool Box Became a requirement by NTC prior to enrolling into US Job Corps Program; Identified 3 & 4 Phases Cohorts to participate in the survey; Surveyed 98 trainees out of 103
Profile Age - YearsMaleFemaleTotal Total683098
Profile High school Certificate 1=yes
Report on results of pilot survey Are you now in paid work? 15
Results sex1a_paidworkTotal Per cent Male in paid work now in Job Corps710.3 Not in paid work now Male Total Female in paid work now in Job Corps413.3 Not in paid work now Female Total Grand Total98
Report on results Type of Job Number Maintenance handyman3 Store clerk3 Cashier clerk2 Packaging2 Census enumerator1 Gas pump attendant1 IT technician1 Maid1 Processig meat1 Quality control1 Takeout/eatery1 Teacher assistant
Report on results Yes No Have you had any other jobs before this one?
Report on results On average, how many hours do you work each week in your job?49.6 How much do you earn from your job per week before any tax is taken out?$108.3 Yes No Did your employer offer you your job after you did a work placement from the program?
Report on results 20
Suggestions to reduce costs Invite former graduates to a gathering with drinks & food Use this to interview one on one, Arrange times to interview, or Gather information about those who did not show up Make more use of Facebook and Skype upfront 25
For More Information Diane Myazoe-De Brum College of Marshall Islands Richard Curtain 26