Andrew SearsMichael Liimatta Executive Director City Vision Director City Vision Urban Ministry Internship Program
History of City Vision College Began in 1990 as Internship and Joint Degree Program with Grace University and the Association of Gospel Rescue Missions (AGRM) Started Rescue College in 1998 as a Separate Program of AGRM Received DETC Accreditation in 2005 Transferred to TechMission in 2008 to serve larger Christian social services market
About TechMission TechMission is a Christian nonprofit social service organization. Our Values are Jesus, Justice and Technology. Our Mission is to support Christian organizations as they use technology to transform vulnerable communities.
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City Vision Interns Program Summary Provides full-time staff intern to urban ministries ◦ Summer staff ◦ Six month intern ◦ One year intern Intern can take unlimited courses from City Vision College while interning Intern can get transfer credit for qualifying schools
Internship Site Roles City Vision College Provides: ◦ Unlimited Courses for Interns at Discount ◦ Primary recruitment of Interns ◦ Intern program structure and manual ◦ College credit for Bachelors Degree (up to 30 credit hours) Ministry Site Provides: ◦ Room and Board to Intern ◦ $600 tuition fee/term (or may be paid by intern): 5 terms per year ◦ Supervised Involvement in Ministry ◦ Secondary Recruitment of Interns
Benefits and Expectations for Intern Benefits ◦ Take unlimited courses online with City Vision College to be applied toward Bachelors degree or certificate ◦ Gain hands-on experience in urban ministry Expectations ◦ Work hour work week ◦ Follow all policies and expectations for staff at ministry ◦ Follow all policies of City Vision intern program
Internship Program Options Summer Staff Intern ◦ Provides Room, Board and Tuition Six Month Intern Provides Room, Board and Tuition One Year Intern ◦ Provides Room, Board and Tuition City Vision/TMC Fellow (one year) ◦ Provides $11,100 Stipend, Tuition and Possibly Room and Board (only for Boston, Los Angeles, Chicago, NYC & Denver) Transfer Credit Program ◦ Can provide transfer credit for students to qualified schools as a “study abroad” program in the ‘hood
City Vision Course Offerings Theology & Strategy of Urban Mission Urban Evangelism & Discipleship History of Urban Missions Counseling in the City Case Management Residential Recovery Program Life Skills Training Nonprofit Administration Nonprofit Accounting Financial Planning for Nonprofit Organizations Ministry Management Facilities Management Food Services Fund Raising Basics Intermediate Fund Raising Human Resources
City Vision Addiction Studies Program Case Management Counseling Alcoholics Counseling in the City Counseling Foundations Drugs of Abuse Family Issues and Recovery Group Counseling Practices Life Skills Training Managing Residential Recovery Programs Mental Illness and Addiction Professional Counseling Practices Recovery Dynamics Sexual Issues in Addiction
Steps to Partnering 1. Site Signs Memorandum of Understanding with TechMission/City Vision College 2. Sites Provide Job Description for Internship Positions 3. Sites recruit locally for position (City Vision will recruit nationally) 4. Site Interview & Select Interns 5. Site pays City Vision $600/term for interns and interns take courses at City Vision while in ministry