September, 2005What IHE Delivers 1 Building standards-based regional and national health information networks with IHE eHealth World Interoperability Panel Malaga - May 2006 Charles Parisot GE Healthcare – IHE-Europe & IT Infrastructure Technical Co-chair
2 Standards are critical but alone are not enough Standards offer generality, ambiguity and alternatives Standard Implementation Guides are focused on a single standard Increasing complexity IHE provides a standard process for implementing multiple standards!
3 Connecting standards to care Care providers work with vendors to coordinate the implementation of standards to meet their needs Care providers identify the key interoperability problems they face Care providers identify the key interoperability problems they face Drive industry to develop and make available standards-based solutions Drive industry to develop and make available standards-based solutions Implementers follow common guidelines in purchasing and integrating systems that deliver these solutions Implementers follow common guidelines in purchasing and integrating systems that deliver these solutions IHE the most successful way to establish those standards for how to implement standards ?
4 What is Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise? IHE provides a common framework for passing health information seamlessly: within the healthcare enterprise within the healthcare enterprise across multiple healthcare enterprises across multiple healthcare enterprises for local, regional & national health information networks for local, regional & national health information networks IHE is sponsored by healthcare professional associations: 20 across 14 countries (8 in Europe) endorsed by well over 100 Health IT vendors. IHE drives standards adoption to address specific clinical needs for interoperability
5 Delivery of ready-to-integrate products to benefit healthcare delivery entities of all sizes In clinical use today in practices, enterprises Regional and national projects leveraging IHE Integration Profiles (e.g. XDS): In clinical use: Italy, Spain, UK (radiology) In clinical use: Italy, Spain, UK (radiology) In deployment: Austria, France, Norway, Canada, USA In deployment: Austria, France, Norway, Canada, USA IHE scope, today and expanding radiology, cardiology, laboratory, oncology, eye care, devices radiology, cardiology, laboratory, oncology, eye care, devices enterprise healthcare IT infrastructures enterprise healthcare IT infrastructures cross-enterprise healthcare IT infrastructures cross-enterprise healthcare IT infrastructures Regional and national eHealth information networks Regional and national eHealth information networks IHE Maturity and Acceptance
6 Proven Standards Adoption Process Document Use Case Requirements Identify available standards ( e.g. HL7, DICOM, IETF, OASIS) Develop technical specifications Testing at Connectathons IHE Demonstrations Products with IHE Timely access to information Easy to integrate products
7 Reality, IHE, in action, …. IHE Connectathon Video
8 Achievements and Expanding Scope Over 100 vendors involved world-wide, 5 Technical Frameworks 38 Integration Profiles, Testing at Connectathons Demonstrations at major conferences world-wide
9 IHE Organizational Structure Participants contribute Global Development: Radiology, IT Infrastructure, Cardiology, Lab, etc. Delegates IHE Europe IHE North America IHE Asia/Oceania Regional & National Deployment supervises reports IHE (International) Strategic Development Committee Sponsors Co-Chairs Global Interoperability IHE Domain-related Planning Committee and Technical Committee National Extensions
10 What is IHE NOT? Not a standard, although it leverages them A vendor initiative, although they participate Not a governmental certification authority, but IHE support them with compliance testing Not simply a demonstration project Demos are only one means to the end: Adoption Demos are only one means to the end: Adoption Backed up by documentation, tools, testing, and publication of Technical Frameworks and Product Integration Statements. Backed up by documentation, tools, testing, and publication of Technical Frameworks and Product Integration Statements. IHE, proven for standardizing interoperability
11 IHE Integration Profiles for Health Info Nets What is available and has been added in 2005 and is for 2006 Consistent Time Coordinate time across networked systems Audit Trail & Node Authentication Centralized privacy audit trail and node to node authentication to create a secured domain. Patient Demographics Query Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing Registration, distribution and access across health enterprises of clinical documents forming a patient electronic health record Patient Identifier Cross-referencing Map patient identifiers across independent identification domains Emergency Referrals Format of the Document Content and associated coded vocabulary Patient Created Summaries Format of the Document Content and associated coded vocabulary ECG Report Document Format of the Document Content and associated coded vocabulary Lab Results Document Content Format of the Document Content and associated coded vocabulary Scanned Documents Format of the Document Content Cross-enterprise User Authentication Authentication & Auditing: Enhanced Access Control Cross-enterprise Document Interchange Media-CD/USB & push Notification of Document Availability Notification of a remote provider/ health enterprise Imaging Information Format of the Document Content and associated coded vocabulary Medical Summary ( Meds, Allergies, Pbs) Format of the Document Content and associated coded vocabulary Document Digital Signature Attesting true-copy and origin
13 Participating and Contributing Vendors (America) Agfa HealthCare Algotec Allscripts Healthcare BerdyBluewareCamtronics Canon Medical Systems CapMed Cardiac Science Corp. Carefx Cedara Software Corp. Cerner Corporation CGI-AMSCSISTDictaphone DR Systems Dynamic Imaging Eastman Kodak Company EBM Technologies EclipsysEmageon Raining Data RASNA Imaging Systems ScImage Inc. Sectra Imtec Sentillion Shimadzu Corp Siemens Medical Solutns Softmedical Stentor, Inc St. Jude Medical StorCOMM, Inc Swissray International, Inc Tiani-Spirit Toshiba Medical Systems T-Systems UltraVisual Medical Syst. Vital Images, Inc. Voxar Limited WebMD Practice Services Witt Biomedical Corp. XIMIS Epic Systems Corp. ETIAMFujifilm GE Healthcare Heartlab HIPAAT Inc. Hitachi Medical Corp. Hologic Hx Technologies IDX Systems Corporation Imco Technologies INFINITT Initiate Systems Inc. InSiteOne Intelerad Medical Systems IBM Intersystems Corporation Konica Minolta Kryptic Marotech, Inc. McKesson In yellow, companies with IHE Committees Chairs (Spring 2006) MedAccessPlus Health MedCommons Inc Medcon Medical Informatics Eng. Medical Manager Health Mediface Co. Medinotes Medis Medical Imaging Merge eFilm Misys MNI Medicos MortaraNextGenNovell Open Text Corp. Philips Medical Systems Procom Technology Prosolv Cardiovascular QRS Diagnostics Quovadx RADinfo Systems
14 Participating and Contributing Vendors (Europe) AGFA Healthcare Medical Algotec ARES SA aycan Digitalsysteme CEGEDIM Cerner Corp. CHILI CMT Medical Tech. Conto Corrente Salute ConVis CTI Mirada Solutions Data Processing SPA DEDALUSDianoema Eastman Kodak Co. Ebit Sanita EDL ELFIN s.r.l. Engineering Sanità ESAOTE MEDASYS SA Medavis Medical Communications Medigration GmbH MEDIMON Ltd. MEDIWARE MEDOS AG Merge eFilm METAFORA Mevis Diagnostics Konica Minolta Omnilab Philips Medical Systems POLYMEDIS Rasna Imaging Systems RAYPAX INC. REMRogan-Delft Sago spa Sectra Imtec AB SeeBeyond Technology ETIAMFerraniaFujifilm GE Healthcare GIE Convergence-Profils Global Imaging Online GWI Research Hi. tech IASI Srl IdeoPassINFINITTINFOPATIENTINOVITINSIEL Intersystems Corp. Invita ITZ Medicom iSoftMcKessonMED2RADMEDarchiver In yellow, companies with IHE Committees Chairs (Winter 2005) Siemens Medical Soluzioni Informatiche srl Stentor Inc. St. Jude Swissray Medical AG Symphonie On Line SynapsisSynchro-MedTECHNIDATA TELEMIS S.A. Tiani-Sprit Tomtec Imaging TOREX GAP Medical Toshiba Medical Systems TSI groupe europMedica T-SystemsUni-medicine VEPRO AG VISUS Technology Transfer WAID XR PARTNER
16 IHE Web site: Frequently Asked Questions Integration Profiles in Technical Frameworks: See Volume 1 for Use cases Cardiology Cardiology IT Infrastructure IT Infrastructure Laboratory Laboratory Patient Care Coordination Patient Care Coordination Radiology Radiology Connectathon Result: Vendor Products Integration Statements Participation in Committees & Connectathons