Top 50 Goal FY 11 in Review South Region Fontaine Evaldo v2
Top Accounts FY 11 vs. FY 10 AccountFY 10FY 11$ Variance% Variance Duke$307,211$378,085$70,87423% U of Texas$312,091$316,444$4,3531% U of North Carolina $279,060$266,805($12,255)(4%) Washington U in St. Louis $199,827$229,227$29,40015% Emory$180,821$203,932$23,11113% Tulane$129,139$145,972$16,83313% Southern Methodist U $117,491$126,800$9,3098% Rice$134,536$109,706($24,830)(18%) Wake Forest$114,553$87,851($26,702)(23%) Totals$1,774,729$1,864,822$90,0935%
OPPORTUNITIES New Deans—Duke and Tulane New MBAs—Online MBA at UNC-Chapel Hill, Americas MBA at Vanderbilt New Programs—Summer Business Boot Camps for senior level non business majors at SMU, Vanderbilt, Wake Forest Growth Accounts—Georgia State, Georgia Tech, U of Georgia, Florida International, U of Florida New Product—new versions of sims, new IT Concepts Verticals—Refreshed list should result in increased usage. Course Modules—Re-promotion of revamped modules Fracturing of textbook market prompting more faculty to consider using our materials with cost being main driver
CHALLENGES Budget cutting at state schools—UT Austin and UNC. Resulted in flat and slightly down sales Rice used open source materials and cut back on elective coursepacks Xanedu took over MBA coursepacks at UNC Wake Forest includes materials in cost of tuition and cut back case usage for budget reasons Many faculty at top schools either don’t have time or don’t feel a need to see a rep. Product delivery—request for single sign on capability; spread of e-readers
WHAT’S WORKING WhatWhere/How/Why SimulationsIn use at all Top 50 accounts with Wash U and UT being the heaviest users PCLsFY11 Millsaps, U of North Carolina—Charlotte, U of Tampa, Washington U in St. Louis. FY12 Georgia State, Texas Tech Exploratory Visits to small accounts in proximity to key accounts FY11 Lipscomb, Christian Brothers, Samford, College of Charleston, Appalachian State, UNC—Greensboro FY12 West Texas A&M, Georgia Southern, U of St. Thomas, U of Ark-Little Rock Case Mapping Customer Service Buddy Extremely popular—accounts for increased case usage across the region My buddy, Kathy Valois, is fantastic. She helps with Premium Access upgrades, exam copy shipping and invoice issues. Create a CourseMarked increase as awareness spreads of favorable price and convenience compared to bookstore products.
What’s Not Working WhatWhere/How/Why Targeting faculty with discipline specific appointment s Until we have new CRM, impossible to do so given time constraints Reaching Online MBA programs to fullest potential Still need to show how case usage can be effectively used in online programs