Major Distance from home Total cost (tuition, room and board) Campus setting (urban, rural, college town) Number of undergraduates College sports division Extracurricular options Male/female ratio Student/teacher ration Study abroad option Amount of financial aid offered National ranking for academics Fraternities and sororities Diversity % of Students returning Graduation rate in 6 years
Top 10 priorities in order from 1 to 10. Deadline: Friday, 28 Feb by 11:59pm. ed as chart within the body of . Do not send an attachment. Subject line: 1pd priorities 56pd priorities 78pd priorities 11pd priorities
Priorities 1. Major 2. Cost (Tuition, Room/Board) 3. Academic Reputation 4. Diversity 5. Distance from home 6. Setting 7. Number of Undergraduates 8. Greek Life 9. Male female ratio 10. Financial Aid
Final project due 17 March 14. Each component is worth a HW grade. Final project is worth 3 HW grades. A rubric will be sent next week to give you more specific information on grading. Part 1 - priorities that we just went over is due Friday, 28 Feb.
Criteria Chart Use your 10 priorities and define your criteria for each priority. Example: Major – Forensic Science Size – Less than 10,000 students Total Cost – Under $25,000 Due Monday, 3 March by 11:59 pm
PrioritiesCriteria 1. MajorForensic Science 2. Cost (Tuition, Room/Board) Under $35,000/year 3. Academic Reputation Within the top 100 US News and World Report Colleges 4. DiversityAt least 25% minorities 5. Distance from homeWithin 200 miles 6. SettingSuburban 7. Number of Undergraduates10,000 – 20, Greek Life Must have at least 5 sororities and 5 fraternities on campus 9. Male/female ratioAt least 45% males 10. Financial Aid At least 60% of freshman receive aid
3. Pick four colleges that interest you. 4. Research the priority information about each school. (ie. Size) 5.Put the information in chart format. (see example) 6.Research entrance requirements for each college. (SAT, GPA)
7. Write a paragraph that explains which college is the best fit based on how well it meets your criteria. 8. Write a paragraph – Describe your specific plan you need to follow to achieve the entrance requirements of the college that is best for you. 9. Cite your sources for each college. I’ll send you instructions on how to properly cite your sources.
Top 10 priorities in order from 1 to 10. Deadline: Friday, 28 Feb by 11:59pm. ed as chart within the body of . Do not send an attachment. Subject line: 1pd priorities 56pd priorities 78pd priorities 11pd priorities
Priorities 1. Major 2. Cost (Tuition, Room/Board) 3. Academic Reputation 4. Diversity 5. Distance from home 6. Setting 7. Number of Undergraduates 8. Greek Life 9. Male female ratio 10. Financial Aid
Deadlines and Format: Priorities with the criteria. Deadline: Monday, 3 March by 11:59p,. ed as chart within the body of the . (no attachments) Subject line: 1pd criteria chart 56pd criteria chart 78pd criteria chart 11pd criteria chart
PrioritiesCriteria 1. MajorForensic Science 2. Cost (Tuition, Room/Board) Under $35,000/year 3. Academic Reputation Within the top 100 US News and World Report Colleges 4. DiversityAt least 25% minorities 5. Distance from homeWithin 200 miles 6. SettingSuburban 7. Number of Undergraduates10,000 – 20, Greek Life Must have at least 5 sororities and 5 fraternities on campus 9. Male/female ratioAt least 45% males 10. Financial Aid At least 60% of freshman receive aid
Chart with your 4 colleges. 1. Deadline: Friday, 7 March by 11:59pm. ed as a chart within the . (no attachments Subject line: 1pd colleges 56pd colleges 78pd colleges 11pd colleges
University of Delaware Newark, DE Howard University Washington, DC University of Maryland College Park, MD University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC
Four colleges added to your college list in Naviance. (See me for your Naviance registration)
Must be real (actual places where you can go physically). Must be four year schools. No online universities or for profit schools (ie University of Phoenix or Walden University) Must be in the US (for purposes of this project). Must be spelled out, no abbreviations (ie. New York University, not NYU). Must include the location of the school and be listed in alphabetical order.
Deadlines and Format: Completed project (submitted 3 ways). Deadline: Monday, 17 March by 11:59pm. 1. Submitted on including citations. Subject line Pd# final college project 1pd final college project 56pd final college project 78pd final college project 11pd final college project
Deadlines and Format: Deadline: Monday, 17 March by 11:59pm. 2. The final project must be attached as a journal entry in Naviance. Subject line/Title of the journal entry: Freshman college project
Deadlines and Format: Deadline: Monday, 17 March at the beginning of class. 3. A paper copy must be turned in at the beginning of class on this date. No citations with hard copy, only on The project will not be graded if no paper copy is submitted.
Deadlines and Format: 1.Each ed component that is due will count as a homework assignment. 2.The final project will count as three homework assignments.
University of Delaware Howard University University of Maryland University of North Carolina SAT GPA Entrance Requirements: (this is part of the final project, do not an to me separately).
Paragraph that states which college is the best fit for you based on your findings. You must use your criteria and your research findings to back up your decision – explicitly state which criteria were met. Second paragraph – What is your specific, detailed plan to meet the entrance requirements for the school of your choice (school you discussed in first paragraph).