South Seattle Community College BUDGET HEARING June 16, 2009
Welcome to Budget Hearing South’s planning and budgeting process are efficient and successful. South’s planning and budgeting process are efficient and successful. District allocation is not finalized District allocation is not finalized –Preliminary funding overview College Council recommendations College Council recommendations
How South Measures Success Strategic Planning Strategic Planning –Institutional Goals –College-wide Priorities –Unit/Departmental Goals & Strategies Budget Development Budget Development –Concurrent with development/update of Unit/Departmental Goals & Strategies College Council College Council –Budget hearing –Recommendations to President Cabinet
College-wide Priorities Promote student learning and success 2. Prepare the college for its preferred future 3. Ensure the financial health of the college
SSCC Budget by Category
Budget Recommendations Funded in FY 1. Promote student learning and success 2 New Full Time Faculty (Psychology, Nutr. & Health) 5 Full Time Faculty reallocation New Advisor (100%) New Financial Aid Assistant (100%) New ABE/ESL Assessment Assistant (50%) Increase Good & Services in instructional programs as requested DOL grant transitions to Operating budget Nursing program assistant
Budget Recommendations Funded in FY 2. Prepare the college for its preferred future Increase in safety and security supplies funding New Security Officer (100%) New IT Tech. (100%) New Holly Site Coordinator (50%) Increase for BAS Library resources & PTF/Librarian Office Support (100%) shared by HR, PIO, ITS, Business Office
Budget Recommendations Funded in FY 3. Ensure the financial health of the college Budget actual amounts for utilities & fuel Increase merchant fee budget Transfer 50% Advisor position from grant Balance and fund adequate PTF Pool and Apprenticeship Contract Training Classified staff Increments Increase in contingency reserve COLA, Benefits, Faculty contract cost
Additional Budget Items Funded in FY One time Accreditation Accreditation Computer Hardware/Media Services Computer Hardware/Media Services Operating Contingency Operating Contingency Retention Initiatives Retention Initiatives
Life Changed
FY Budget Cut FY District Reduction $3,130,000 South Reduction 910,433 Vacancies & Reallocations (14 positions) FY Exempt 155,112 Classified 273,077 Various Lapsed Salaries 30,000 Benefits 137,457 Other Contributions & Savings International Contribution 200,000 Apprenticeship Contracts 135,000 S&A Board for Women Center 8,000 PIO & Marketing 25,000 Prof. Development 15,000 Travel 19,860 Contingency 25,000 TOTAL: 1,023,506
FY Operating Budget Reduction FY Operating Budget Reduction State Budget Reduction: FY Reduction (910,433) FY Reduction (1,511,390) Total Reduction: (2,421,823) How Was the Reduction Met? FY Cut 910, FY Additional Tuition 567, FY Tuition Increase 431, FY Divisions Cut 612,780 TOTAL CUT: 2,521,823
FY Preliminary Operating Budget FY Resources State Allocation $ 20,586,247 Tuition Allocation $ 7,866,496 Cost Offset $ 1,733,000 TOTAL: $ 30,185,743
College Council Recommendations Balancing Growth and Capacity In this fiscal year, staffing level must be adjusted in order to relieve disparity and with consideration for present and future increases in enrollment. In this fiscal year, staffing level must be adjusted in order to relieve disparity and with consideration for present and future increases in enrollment. The Council recommends priority needs to be on positions which are most critical to student success. The Council feels positions requested by Student Services, Office of Instruction and Administrative Services are aligned with this goal. The Council recommends priority needs to be on positions which are most critical to student success. The Council feels positions requested by Student Services, Office of Instruction and Administrative Services are aligned with this goal.
College Council Recommendations Reallocation of Funds The College Council is concerned that alternative funding sources may not be sustainable. The College Council is concerned that alternative funding sources may not be sustainable.
College Council Recommendations Efficiency Increasing use of student “self-services” is helping some departments. Increasing use of student “self-services” is helping some departments. Devoting resources that will facilitate additional online services to promote college wide priorities Devoting resources that will facilitate additional online services to promote college wide priorities Continue to implement existing and explore additional green alternatives. Fully support practices to reduce hazardous waste and printing, copying, and mailing materials use and costs. Continue to implement existing and explore additional green alternatives. Fully support practices to reduce hazardous waste and printing, copying, and mailing materials use and costs.
FY Approved Requests Promote student learning and success 8 Faculty Positions: 8 Faculty Positions: Psychology Psychology Business & IT Business & IT Nursing (2 positions) Nursing (2 positions) BAS – Hospitality MGT BAS – Hospitality MGT Culinary (temporary FT) Culinary (temporary FT) Aviation (temporary FT) Aviation (temporary FT) Weatherization (temporary FT) Weatherization (temporary FT) Note: All positions covered with existing funding
FY Approved Requests (cont.) Classified and Exempt: (5 reinstated; 1 new) Director of Diversity Director of Diversity Grounds Maintenance Grounds Maintenance Building Maintenance Building Maintenance Fiscal Tech. Prof/Technical Fiscal Tech. Prof/Technical Office Assistant Academic Program (9 100%) Office Assistant Academic Program (9 100%) Coding Program Coordinator – NEW (50/50-state/grant) Coding Program Coordinator – NEW (50/50-state/grant)
FY Approved Requests (cont.) Prepare the college for its realistic future Adjustments to State Budget: Adjustments to State Budget: Security Officer 50% to parking Classified Foods 50% from resale to state Administrative Assistant – 60% to grant GT Program Manager – 50% to grant GT Various positions reallocated to API grant Part-time Faculty reduction Net Part-time hourly reduction
FY Approved Requests (cont.) Ensure the financial health of the college Apprenticeship contracts reduced Travel reduced 25% Goods & Services reduced as requested Contingency Reserve Funded Classified Increment Funded Benefits Funded Equipment Reduced (IT)
FY Net Budget Impact by Category Personnel (321,677) Contract Services (120,341) Goods & Services (133,502) Travel (27,796) Equipment (9,464) TOTAL: (612,780)
FY Preliminary Approved Budget Budget by Division Division FY Budget% of Total Instruction 21,190, % Admin. Services 5,092, % Student Services 2,595, % President Report 1,306, % Total: 30,184, %
Annual Overview & Key Points Budget supports strategic plan & college-wide priorities Budget supports strategic plan & college-wide priorities District Wide Budget Impact District Wide Budget Impact South Conservative Budget Approach South Conservative Budget Approach No Mandatory Furloughs No Mandatory Furloughs WorkFirst WorkFirst Culinary Deficit Culinary Deficit College Reserve College Reserve
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