Molecular Subtipification Network for ETA Surveillance PulseNet Latin America CDC-INPPAZ-OPS/OMS, INEI - ANLIS Instituto Nacional de Salud Microbiology Group Bogotá, Colombia Third International Meeting Buenos Aires, Argentina – June 17-18, 2005
Colombia ADD surveillance network Total number of clinical laboratories: 138 MicrobiologyGroup Instituto Nacional de Salud Instituto Nacional de Salud Public Health Laboratories (PHL) 24/33 states (73%)
Serotypen(%) Typhimurium49632 Enteritidis45730 Typhi9056 Others (57)48832 Total Salmonella spp. isolates recovered COLOMBIA ADD surveillance Network
PFGE in Surveillance Studies PulseNet Network’s Protocol Colombia PFGE application of the standarized technique by the CDC – USA (2004), for the molecular subtipification of Salmonella spp isolates, recovered in the national surveillance system of the ADD
Quality Control Program
1- Serotyping: The strains were correctly serotyped. 2- Comparison of elecrophoretic profiles obtained in Colombia and Argentina First Test-Proof Activity – 2005 Colombia (n= 7 isolates)
3- PFGE profiles’ analyses with the BioNumerics program version 3.5 (applied Maths). 4- Dendogram of the the band patterns obtained from each strain in Argentina and Colombia.
PulseNet difussion in the Colombia country INS INVIMA Manuscript will be publish in Informe Quincenal Epidemiológico Nacional (IQEN)
Troublesome: We can’t share images because we haven’t software database module. PFGE applications in surveillance ADD Program COLOMBIA -Establishing the electrophoretic patterns of the Salmonella isolates and the genetic relationship of the Salmonella isolates in 19 states in the country
PFGE application in Colombia surveillance S. Typhimurium n = 490 Patterns: S.Typ0001- S.Typ0185 PFGE Pattern S.Typ Frecuency n% y Others (177)30362
Colombia PFGE XbaI - Patterns S. Typhimurium n=490 LanePFGE Pattern S.Typ 1, 6, 11 y 16S. Braenderup H Kb
Year % Annual surveillance distribution of Colombia PFGE patterns for S. Typhimurium ( ).
PFGE application in Colombia surveillance S. Enteritidis n = 445 Patterns: S. En PFGE Pattern S. En Frecuency n% Other patterns (39)5011
LanePFGE pattern S. En 1, 6 y 11S. Braenderup H Kb Colombia PFGE XbaI- Patterns - S. Enteritidis n=445
Year % Annual surveillance distribution of Colombia PFGE patterns for S. Enteritidis ( ).
PFGE application in Colombia surveillance S. Typhi n = 85 Patterns: S. Ty PFGE Pattern S. Ty Frecuency n% Others (43)5262
Colombia PFGE XbaI - Patterns S. Typhi n=85 LanePFGE Pattern S.Ty 1, 6, 11 y 15S. Braenderup H Kb 1135
Year % Annual surveillance distribution of Colombia PFGE patterns for S. Typhi ( ).
Serotype Year Clinic isolates Food isolates Procedence PFGE Pattern Typhimurium Nariño S. Typ0066 S. Typ0120 Enteritidis SantanderS. En Bogotá Quindío Nariño Caldas S. En0001 Typhi Putumayo Antioquia S. Ty0001 S. Ty0012 PFGE Application in outbreak studies S PFGE Application in outbreak studies Salmonella spp - Colombia
The participation in the PulseNet-LA network for the molecular subtipification of Salmonella, has allowed us to create a PFGE Colombian database with isolates from the National Program of ADD Surveillance. Coments The routine use of the molecular subtification process for Salmonella isolates will strengthen the ADD surveillance in our country.
To knowledge the PFGE patterns will allow us to: Assign and identify priorities in the treatment of patients Avoid unnecesary research in cases where PFGE patterns occur occasionally Detect disease spread that cannot be uncovered by the traditional surveillance methods Control the infection source transmission outbreaks. Coments