Land and Poverty conference – 2014 World Bank Women’s Land Rights Under Customary Settings Habitat for Humanity International March 26 th 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

Land and Poverty conference – 2014 World Bank Women’s Land Rights Under Customary Settings Habitat for Humanity International March 26 th 2014

Land and housing policies shape the available opportunities to access dwellings. Housing policy data tell us whether there is an enabling environment for better housing and possibilities to get out of the poverty cycle. A standardized set of policy indicators provides a snapshot of a wide range of housing sector needs. W HY THE GHI?

GHI are a set of indicators organised under 5 thematic pillars to form an extensive assessment tool. This tool provides a holistic approach to assessing the housing policy, GHI use a standardized methodology to compare countries and cities across the globe Implemented by local consultants and research institutions, - Consistent, reliable, comparable information for measuring and monitoring the policy environment for adequate and affordable housing. -Transparent, accessible, and standardized approach to inform debate and shape policies, W HAT ARE THE GHI?

H ow is it used? - Database that can be used for advocacy outreach, housing research, City and country profiles. Policy briefs leading to changing laws and policies. - Cross regional analysis and Comparative analysis -- cities and regions - Expansion of city-wide data. - Housing indicators platform.

GHI L OCATIONS Latin America & Caribbean Tegucigalpa, Honduras Santiago, Chile Mexico City, Mexico Recife, Brazil Kingston, Jamaica Buenos Aires, Argentina Cochabamba, Bolivia Bogota, Colombia Europe & Central Asia Yerevan, Armenia Budapest, Hungary Skopje, Macedonia Kiev, Ukraine Africa & Middle East Kampala, Uganda Maputo, Mozambique Abidjan, Ivory Coast Beirut, Lebanon Amman, Jordan Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Asia-Pacific Muntinlupa, Philippines Dhaka, Bangladesh Jakarta, Indonesia Tarlac, Philippines Kathmandu, Nepal 5 states in India (in Progress) Phnom Penh Cambodia ( in Progress)

U SES AND INITIAL OUTCOMES Rental Housing Market Analysis for Latin American countries - Global Policy indicators framework for research Focus on rental housing and vacant properties Sample of five cities: Bogota, Buenos Aires, Mexico City, Recife and Santiago - FINDINGS High demand for rental housing and weak support from government. Across subsidies, regulations and planning - MOVING FORWARD Indicators as baseline to identify gaps, priorities, and shaping policies

U SES AND INITIAL OUTCOMES Land Tenure Rights for Women Under Customary Law in Four Countries. - Global Policy indicators as basis for extensive research on gender issues and land rights Focus on customary laws and practices in land transfer Armenia, Colombia, Indonesia and Uganda - FINDINGS There is a high discrepancy between the customary practices and the statutory laws when it comes to women’s access to land

Uganda: Paper Findings: The conflict between customary laws and statutory laws aggressively weakens women’s position in the society. The legal inheritance and untitled lands are a big impediment to women’s land tenure. The necessary political leverage for women to claim land is lacking, and the high percentage of untitled land skews the security of land towards various types of male ownership. U SES AND INITIAL OUTCOMES

Armenia: A local research organisation prepared a housing study based on GHI findings and made recommendations for the Armenian Government to inform and develop housing policies. Same effort was let in Hungary U SES AND INITIAL OUTCOMES

Honduras GHI policy scan in Honduras used as basis for advocacy resulting in 11 municipal housing policies improved benefiting 9,000 lives, generating $4 million in investment for housing U SES AND INITIAL OUTCOMES

T HE WEBSITE For more information on the GHI or please contact: Jane Katz