A Daring Escape… Web quest for 3 rd Grade Reading, Writing, & SS Designed by:
Introduction It is 1847 and you are a slave on Somerset Plantation. There’s talk of escape, but folks are scared.
They say something called the Underground Railroad is a path to freedom, but nobody knows where to get a ticket.
Your master is threatening to split you and your family up…something you cannot let happen. You are strong and smart. Others look to you as a leader. You decide you must learn all you can about the Underground Railroad. Secretly, you begin gathering information. Your mind is made up…you will guide your family to freedom no matter what it takes.
Your Task Find out what the Underground Railroad is and create a plan for escape. Be sure to learn all you can to ensure a safe and successful trip. Failure will mean never seeing your family again.
Process Step 1: Visit the websites below to find out what exactly the Underground Railroad is and how long the journey takes. Record all you learn in your secret journal. Only write in it when you’re sure you are alone and keep it well hidden! Slaves are not permitted to read or write, and if your master finds out, who knows what punishment will await you!
Step 2: After learning what the Underground Railroad actually is, you realize this is going to be harder than you thought. There is much to learn. After working all day, you stay up late at night collecting notes in your journal. You create the following graphic organizer in your journal to collect information. Potential DangerTips for SuccessCodes & Signals
Step 2 (continued) Potential Danger **Under the Potential Danger column, record all the risks you will face on this treacherous journey.
Step 2 (continued) Tips for Success ** Under the Tips for Success column, list anything and everything you and your family can do to help ensure a safe and successful escape.
Step 2 (continued ) Codes & Signals **Under the Codes & Signals column, record what codes and signals are used on the Underground Railroad and tell what each code/symbol means.
Step 2 (continued) Explore the following websites to collect vital information you will need to share with your family so that you all make it to freedom
Step 3 Tonight you tell your family and some other slaves who wish to escape that you will be holding a secret meeting later tonight. Analyze all the information you’ve collected. Prepare a written speech outlining all that you’ve learned. You must convince the others that escape is possible. Help them trust in your leadership by answering all of their questions. –What is the Underground Railroad? How many miles is it? How long might the journey last? –What risks do we face on this journey? (List 3 or more) –What are some tips for a successful escape? (When is the best time to escape? How can we avoid capture? How will we find our way north?) –What codes & signals should we be aware of? (Identify 5 or more and explain what they mean)
Evaluation CATEGORY4321 What is the Underground Railroad?Explanation of Underground Railroad is thorough. Tells why it is called an Undergound Railroad. Tells how many miles and how long the journey is expected to last. Explanation of Underground Railroad is adequate. Tells why it is called an Underground Railroad. Tells how many miles and/or how long the journey is expected to last. Explanation of the Underground Railroad is minimal. May or may not tell how many miles and how long the journey is expected to last. Explanation of the Underground Railroad is unsatisfactory. Does not telll how many miles or how long the journey is expected to last. What danger might runaways face?Lists 3 or more risks mentioned in the websites Lists 2 risks mentioned in the websitesLists 1 risk mentioned in the websiteLists 0 risks mentioned in the websites What are some tips for a successful escape? Makes recommendations on when the best time for escape is, how to avoid capture, and how to find the way north. All suggestions are supported by information from the websites. Makes recommendations on two of the three: when the best time for escape is, how to avoid capture, and how to find the way north. Suggestions are supported by information from the websites. Makes recommendation on one of the three: when the best time for escape is, how to avoid capture, and how to find the way north. Suggestion is supported by information from the websites. Fails to make recommendations on the following: when the best time for escape is, how to avoid capture, and how to find the way north. What codes and signals should we be aware of? Identifies 5 or more codes/signals mentioned in the websites and explains what they mean. Identifies 4 codes/signals mentioned in the websites and explains what they mean. Identifies 3 codes/signals mentioned in the websites and explains what they mean. Identifies 0-2 codes/signals mentioned in the websites and may or may not explain what they mean.
Conclusion Your secret meeting was a success! Everyone feels secure in the plan you’ve devised and you have convinced everyone that you will be successful. You plan to escape in three days.
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Teacher Page Reading 5.RI.3 Explain the relationships or interactions between two or more individuals, events, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text based on specific information in the text 5.RI.7 Draw on information from multiple print or digital sources, demonstrating the ability to locate an answer to a question quickly or to solve a problem efficiently 5.RI.9 Integrate information from several texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably Writing 5.W.4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience 5.W.9 Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research Social Studies 5.C&G.2.1 Understand the values and principles of a democratic republic. 5.H.1.3 Analyze the impact of major conflicts, battles and wars on the development of our nation through Reconstruction 5.C.1.4 Understand how cultural narratives (legends, songs, ballads, games, folk tales and art forms) reflect the lifestyles, beliefs and struggles of diverse ethnic groups