GEOSS ADC Architecture Workshop Lionel Menard, Lucien Wald, Philippe Blanc Ecole des Mines de Paris
Solar Energy Scenario Electricity production by solar plants 1.Scenario recap 2.Meteorological, geographic and environmental data overview 3.GEOSS architecture integration 4.Open discussion Outlook
1. Scenario recap
Motivations Feasibility studies for sitting and sizing solar power plants 1.Investors and electricity producers willing to invest in solar plants need precise and thorough information to support decision-making. 2.On their behalf, consulting companies perform feasibility studies in order to decide where to sit power plants and which technology to use ensuring a profitable return on investment. 3.To reach that goal, consultants need a single, easy and unified access to data sets. Such data sets include meteorological, geographical and environmental parameters. Interoperability is a key point for the success of the scenario Identified customers –Conergy (Germany), Solarworld (Germany), Lahmeyer International (Germany), Meteocontrol (Germany), DLR (Germany), Garrad Hassan (United Kingdom), International Conseil Energie (France), CEA (France) –Total Gas et Electricité (France), EDF EN (France), Gaz de France (France), Photowatt (France), Tenesol (France), Suez (France), Transfield (Australia)
Scenario overview
Actors of the scenario Actors: –Investors and electricity producers –Consulting companies –GEOSS portal integrator –Provider of specific application exploiting Web services –Provider of data
Information available before scenario begins Meteorological data (Meteosat) –time-series of irradiance in W/m² (databases HelioClim, NASA SSE) –uncertainty on each value in W/m² (HelioClim database) –sun position every three minutes over a year (SoDa Service) Geographical data –digital terrain model SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) (DataForWind Service) ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflectance Radiometer) (unknown source) –hydrological features: rivers, lakes, channels (unknown source) –gazetteer (unknown source) –land use (unknown source) Environmental data –protected areas (for Europe NATURA 2000, unknown source, unknown for the rest of the world) –maps of risks and hazards (unknown source)
Specific processing & GUI development Specific processing (exposed as web service) –assessment of irradiation on inclined surface kWh/m² (SoDa Service) –slope of the terrain (process from DEM to be done by Ecole des Mines de Paris) –shadowing due to terrain elevation (process from DEM and sun position service to be done by Ecole des Mines de Paris) GUI development and GEOSS portal integration –Exploit Web service description (GEOSS portal integrator) –Build GUI (GEOSS portal integrator)
2. Meteorological, geographic and environmental data layers overview
Meteorological data Map of annual irradiation on a plane always facing the sun (kWh/m²) –Source from SoDa service 5km resolution –Results from specific processing (computing time from few minutes to few hours) DNI (Direct Normal Irradiance) DNI + shaded DEM
Geographical data Source from SRTM DEM, results from specific processing. 100 meters resolution Ratio between actual daylength with shadows and astronomical daylength (%) Altitude in meters Local maximum slope in degree
Geographical data: Hydrology and usage Security cooling device for Solar Plants –Need an important flow of cooling water (typically 2 m 3 /s for a 12 MW Solar Plants) –Estimated cost for the linking to the Hydraulic Network Maps depends on the linking length (typically 300 k/km) –Need Hydraulic Network Maps (Map scale better than 1/ ) Hydraulic network. Scale 1/ Sample of estimated cost of hydro network linking in Keuros
Geographical data: Electricity network and usage Linking to High Voltage Electric Network –Estimated cost for the linking to the HV Electric Network Maps depends on the linking length (typically 200 k/km) –Need High Voltage Electric Network Maps (Map scale better than 1/ ) Estimated cost of electric network linking KeurosElectric network. Scale 1/
Environmental data Protected area & risk and hazard –Cope with regulation –Adequacy between the solar plant lifecycle and ROI Protected area. Scale 1/ Risk and Hazard. Scale 1/
Input parameters & output result Inputs: –bounding box (lat., lon.), dates, scale, optional layers, valid address Output results: –the geo-referenced layers (GeoTIFF, shape files) should be provided as a downloadable archive
3. GEOSS architecture integration
GEOSS architecture integration The scenario business process will be exposed as a Web service (hosted at Ecole des Mines) The platform hosting Web services at Ecole des Mines is a Jboss Application Server / J2EE platform Geo. and Env. layers will be extracted from community catalog ? Clearinghouse cache ? The scenario will be accessible and should be trigger via the Geo Web portal ()
4. Open discussion
Open discussion Comments, remarks and suggestions about the scenario Relation with ADC RAL position paper Write the 2 slides for the plenary