Mental disorders Affect a persons thoughts emotions & behaviors
Types of Mental Disorders Organic: Mental Disorder caused by a physical illness or an injury that affects the brain Functional: Mental Disorder that has a psychological cause & does not involve Brain Damage
Symptoms Too much or too little SLEEP Feelings of extreme SADNESS Unexplained MOOD Changes Drug or alcohol abuse Inability to CONCENTRATE Extreme ANXIETY or Irrational FEAR PERSONALITY Changes False perceptions of REALITY
Anxiety Disorders General Anxiety Constant feeling of anxiety and fear with physical symptoms like increased heart rate, shortness of breath, perspiration, shaking & diarrhea
Anxiety Disorders Phobias are COMMON among people! Persistent fear of something Bathing- Ablutophobia Body odors- Osmophobia or Osphresiophobia. Spiders - Arachnophobia
Anxiety Disorders Obsessive/Compulsive Persistent recurring thoughts accompanied with the need to repeatedly perform some action, such as washing one’s hands Panic Intense feelings of terror that occur suddenly Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder
Mood Disorders Clinical Depression Experiencing feelings of sadness, loneliness, and hopelessness for an extended period of time. Bi-Polar Disorder aka Manic-Depressive Experiencing exaggerated feelings of euphoria, irritability, depression, exaggerated mood swings, displaying reckless behavior
Dissociative Disorders Multiple Personality Having 2 or more distinct personalities which can show different physical conditions and are often the exact opposite of each other Amnesia Loss of memory
Schizophrenia Impaired perceptions, thinking processes, emotional health & physical activity
Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder Difficulty Concentrating Difficulty Completing Tasks Difficulty Following Directions Impulsive Hyperactive
Personality Disorders Anti-Social Showing a preference to remain distant from others Passive Aggressive Behavior that displays an inner conflict between being dependent & being assertive which results in erratic moods
Symptoms of teen depression. Irritable or restless mood Withdraw from friends and activities A change in appetite or weight Feelings of guilt or worthlessness Sense of hopelessness Ways to manage teen depression Write your feeling in a private journal Draw, dance, or engage in another activity talk about your feelings with your family or friends Do something nice for someone else
Mental Health Professionals Psychiatrist: a physician who diagnoses & treats mental disorders & can prescribe medications Clinical Psychologist: A professional who diagnoses & treats emotional & behavioral disorders through counseling Counselor: A professional who helps people with personal and educational matters
Treatments Psycho-Therapy helps people resolve past trauma through counseling Group Therapy involves a therapist leading a group of people with a similar disorder Medication can help ease symptoms of a mental disorder but are not the answer to all mental health issues