Interactions Access نجر 110 د/ محمد عزب
Unit (3) Friends and Family
Warm-up (Speaking) In a couple of minutes talk about your family.
Target Vocab Nuclear family Extended family Generation Family reunion Relatives Homesick Keep in touch
Culture Note (reading) In the United States, people suffer from family disruption. In most cases you find the parents living in a state and their sons and daughters live in different states. On long holidays they meet together in what they call “family reunion”.
Comprehension Classify the following words under the appropriate columns: Nephew – Daughter – son – grandfather –– grandmother – cousin – mother in law – father in law – grandson – granddaughter – mother – father- niece : Brothers and sistersUncles and auntsGrandparentsParents
Listening Tick the correct box: Extended FamiliesNuclear Families
1- More than one generation living together. 2- More common in large cities. 3- They do not need family reunion. 4- Relatives are not around. 5- Some have more than 50 family members.
Research paper (writing) Do you think there is a generation gap between you and your parents. Justify your answer
Function Description
Choose 10 words from the list below to describe your close friend OthersEyesHairSizeHeight has a moustache BrownCurlySlimTall FrecklesWear glassesWavySlenderShort BeardHas contact lenses BaldObeseMedium -hight
Listening Listen to the following Passage and draw a picture on a piece of paper: John is a middle- aged person. His hair is dark. His nose is flat and his lips are large. He has a beard and a moustache. He has freckles and a dimple. His ears stick out. He has knit eyebrows.
Speaking Describe the following picture