High level summary and recommendations from AIP-3 George Percivall Open Geospatial Consortium Task lead AR-09-01B ADC-16, May 2011
AIP-3 Summary and Recommendations Improved decision-making Improved access to variety of observations Repeatable results through engineering process Increased capabilities through web services
AIP-3 Summary and Recommendations Improved decision-making –e.g., Global Drought Monitor Portal Improved access to variety of observations Repeatable results through engineering process Increased capabilities through web services
Global Drought video
Community of Practice: Chartered to meet Decision Support needs Community of Interest/Practices and AIP SBA/CoP Integrator Service Providers : Data, Observation, Mediation, Processing CoP Science Community GCI Community of Interest: Birds of a feather, discussion group Communities of Practices in AIP-4: -Integrated Global Water Cycle Obs. -Energy -Air Quality -Biodiversity? -Global Agricultural Monitoring? -Geohazards? SBA/CoP Integrator -Lead AIP CoP WG -Liaison from AIP to CoP -Expert in SBA science and geoinformatics -Lead application of GEOSS architecture to CoP
AIP-3 Summary and Recommendations Improved decision-making –e.g., Global Drought Monitor Portal Improved access to variety of observations –e.g., Climate and weather visualization in artic Repeatable results through engineering process Increased capabilities through web services
Arctic Scenario Wiring Diagram
AIP Architecture Elements Components –Manageable units hardware, software, networks Services –Methods for components to interact using GEOSS Interoperability Arrangements Use Cases –Describe what can be done with Services, e.g., Discovery, Access, Workflow, etc. Scenarios –Meet SBA User needs; accomplished with Use Cases
AIP-3 Summary and Recommendations Improved decision-making –e.g., Global Drought Monitor Portal Improved access to variety of observations –e.g., Climate and weather visualization in artic Repeatable results through engineering process –e.g., Energy scenario, components, services Increased capabilities through web services
AIP-3 Energy Wiring Diagram
Energy Scenario and Use Cases (simplified) Reference: Energy Scenario Engineering Report, GEO AIP-3, Lionel Menard, January 6, 2011.
Energy Scenario and Use Cases (not simplified) Reference: Energy Scenario Engineering Report, GEO AIP-3, Lionel Menard, January 6, 2011.
AIP-3 Summary and Recommendations Improved decision-making –e.g., Global Drought Monitor Portal Improved access to variety of observations –e.g., Climate and weather visualization in artic Repeatable results through engineering process –e.g., Energy scenario, components, services Increased capabilities through web services –e.g., e-Habitat web processing and semantics
eHabitat Wiring Diagram
eHabitat Interoperability Arrangements OGC CSW ISO AP, published by the EuroGEOSS Discovery Broker OGC WPS, published by the eHabitat processing service OGC WCS 1.0.0, published by the climate change and environmental data provider W3C SPARQL, published by the GENESIS SKOS repository OpenSearch interface (with geo, temporal and semantic extensions), published by the EuroGEOSS DAC
GEOSS Clearinghouse GEO Web Portal GEOSS Common Infrastructure Components & Services Standards and Interoperability Best Practices Wiki User Requirements Registries Main GEO Web Site Registered Community Resources Community Portals Client Applications Client Tier Mediation Tier Community Catalogues Alert Servers Workflow Management Processing Servers Test Facility Search Brokers Access Tier GEONETCast Access Brokers Sensor Web Model Web Long Term Archives Components Interact thru Services
AIP Use Cases
AIP-3 Summary and Recommendations Improved decision-making –e.g., Global Drought Monitor Portal Improved access to variety of observations –e.g., Climate and weather visualization in artic Repeatable results through engineering process –e.g., Energy scenario, components, services Increased capabilities through web services –e.g., e-Habitat web processing and semantics
Additional Technical topics in AIP-3 Semantics Web Processing Services Uncertainty handling Data Harmonization Data Sharing Guidelines Need for CoP Integrator role
Semantics applied to Water in GEOSS GEO Tasks: Semantics, DIAS, AIP Ontology Engineering Integration of independent thesauri that are sharing the same data format, SKOS Integrate more general ontologies created with primitives in schema languages (e.g. SWEET) AIP-3 development of an ontology of water-related terms, based on CUAHSI ontology –using the CMap2 visual tool. –OWL ontology for grounding broker's search
Data Sharing in AIP-3 Primary focus on handling licensing. –Licensing framework suggested by Harlan Onsrud, et. al.:Towards Voluntary Interoperable Open Access Licenses for GEOSS –Framework focused on open access licenses, and used Creative Commons framework as a working foundation Secondary focus on user registration and login. –Many data sets and repositories require user authentication prior to data access –DSGWG looked at single-sign-on (SSO) as a federated solution and as a centralized solution
The « Data Harmonization » topic GEO Task AR-09-01b (AIP) –Emergence of Data Harmonization topic, pilot and input for the GEO Task DA-09-01b –Emphasis on Data Quality and Uncertainty Management GEO Task DA-09-01b –Data, Metadata and Products Harmonization Other GEO Tasks (Data Integration, Global Datasets…) INSPIRE 2010 Conference and Workshops –Numerous sessions with Data Harmonization topic OGC –A cross-WG topic : SensorML, O&M, GML, WCS… –Could be similar to OWS for service interfaces –Could reach out the Data Quality SWG
GEOSS Information framework GEOSS SoA Information Viewpoint
AIP-3 Summary and Recommendations Improved decision-making – Coordinated SBA and technical developments Improved access to variety of observations – Remote sensing, in-situ sensing, & models Repeatable results through engineering process – Scenarios, Services, Interoperability Arrangments Increased capabilities through web services –Access, Processing, Data, Semantics
Successful Implementations for SBAs using GEOSS Interoperability Arrangements GEOSS bold vision endorsed 5 years ago Architecture vision now realized for several societal applications Get involved: GEOSS ADC, SIF, AIP, CoPs
References GEO –earthobservations.orgearthobservations.org GEO Architecture Implementation Pilot – GEOSS registries and SIF –geossregistries.infogeossregistries.info George Percivall