Scotland Edinburgh Napier University
We are a leading modern university committed to the highest standards of excellence in teaching, learning, research and knowledge transfer. Our purpose is to develop in individuals, organisations and communities the skills and knowledge which will enable them to succeed. We are focused on providing education and undertaking research which is directly relevant to enabling graduate employability and to supporting sustainable economic growth in Scotland and beyond. About us
Established 1964 Over 17,700 students from 115 countries 93.2%** of students in jobs/further study six months after graduating 29: overseas students Three faculties and eight schools Four campuses in Edinburgh Nine Institutes of Research & Innovation Facts & Figures* * 2009/10 **HESA 2010
Faculty of Health, Life & Social Science Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative Industries The Business School Facultie s
Offices in Hyderabad, Beijing, Shandong & Singapore Active in Hong Kong for over 20 years New developments & business links in Singapore 18 international institutional partners ◦Overseas delivery ◦Dual site delivery ◦Research collaboration 67,000 active alumni in 126 countries including US, China & India Internation al
Focused on developing confident and employable graduates Contemporary courses respond to the needs of employers Industry placements as an integral component “Confident futures” to develop softer employability skills Innovative & Professional
Accredited by 94 different professional bodies Over 1200 students each year study entrepreneurship In 2010/11, we helped our students launch 164 start-up companies 93.2%* of students in jobs/further study six months after graduating * 2009/10 **HESA 2010 Innovative & Professional
Leadership & Management Practice Employment Research Science & Health Innovation Creative Industries Informatics & Digital Innovation Product Design & Manufacture Sustainable Construction Forest Products Research Transport Research Nine Institutes
World leading research in specialist areas which has a direct and immediate economic impact Bespoke multi-disciplinary services in Contract Research, Consultancy and Knowledge Transfer Personal and tailored organisational Continuing Professional Development Nine Institutes
Student population at an all-time high of 17, 605 Undergraduate applications up 46% in 2010/11on the previous year. New multi-million pound state-of-the-art Sighthill campus opened in January Launched nine Institutes of Research & Innovation Key partner in the first Hong Kong Biofuel Research Centre Patented a process to develop Biofuel from Whisky waste products Launched the UK’s first MSc in Advanced Security & Digital Forensics 2010/11 Achievements
Queen’s Anniversary Prize 2009 for Innovative housing construction Recognised for world-leading research in Nursing, Allied Health, Civil Engineering, Architecture & Built Environment, Library & Information Management & English* People & Planet Green - Top university in Scotland for environmental performance for second consecutive year Investors in People Carbon Masters Standard 2012 Accolades * RAE 2008
Some of our famous Honorary Graduates