If you want to know what it means to live as a Christian then you shouldn’t go to the Bible to find out. “DISCIPLE”
EMBRACE – A Heart That Trusts And Treasures Christ / Gospel Driven EXALT – A Heart Response of Faith Toward God/ Passionate Worship EQUIPPING THROUGH THE WORD AND PRAYER – Learning To Be A Disciple
ENCOURAGE – Learning To Love Others And To Be A Part Of The Body Of Christ / Authentic Community EXHIBIT – Life Changing Transformation Is Becoming Evident / Life in the Spirit EXPRESS – To Communicate The Reality Of Christ Through Word And Deed/ Outward Focus
As we consider these traits of a Maturing & Equipped Follower of Christ we must rightly look at ourselves in order to see where we are in the journey.
The key to transformation from the heart isn’t to look at ourselves, but rather to keep looking to Christ - who He is and what He has done for us.
A WORD TO MEN There is no realm more important than that of the spiritual growth for your family.
We don’t follow the path of discipleship to get God to love us, but to hear him say it.
EMBRACE – A Heart That Trusts And Treasures Christ I have a credible profession of faith- a trust in Christ as Savior, not just an example
I enjoy a regular practice of feeding on scripture I have a lifestyle that reflects growth in repentance for sin and for my own self- righteousness.
I have a lifestyle that reflects growth in humility, joy and thanksgiving I say “yes” to some things out of love for Christ (Titus 2) I say “no” to some things out of love for Christ
“To embrace Christ means to embrace the GOOD NEWS that Jesus has already said and done the right things for me.” – Jimmy Davis
Embracing the gospel on a personal level means that we DELIGHT in Christ in our Hearts. We study, analyze, and give our time to what we delight in.
We should look at Christ to see how to Embrace Christ by seeing how He embraced the Father.
EXALT – A Heart Response of Faith Toward God That Celebrates His Glory I engage my head and my heart in regular corporate worship I have a personal life characterized by a practice of the presence of God - gratitude, thanksgiving, contentment, and humility
I seek to live in a way that points others to Christ, not to me I live in a way that indicates that Christ is my treasure, not the praise of men and the accumulation of things.
I feel secure that God is in control of my life and the world I am not ashamed for others to know that I worship God. When our hearts are delighting in something we tell others about it.
To grow as one who Exalts God, look to and draw near to Christ
Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, As it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, As we forgive our debtors; And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, The power, and the glory, For ever and ever. Amen.