Starter Activity 1414 ? ? ?4? ?5? ?8? 4848 ? ?4? ?5? ? ? ? 54 ? 18 ? 60 ?
Fractions of Amounts Learning Objective: to be able to find a fraction of any amount and convert mixed fractions Monday, 14 September 2015
Fractions of Amounts 1212 OF £100 What is the answer to the following: £100 x 1 2 £ means split into two bits. CHECK - £50 + £50 = £100 of £100 = £ Divide by the DENOMINATOR multiply by the NUMERATOR.
Fractions of Amounts 1414 OF £100 What is the answer to the following: £100 x 1 4 £25 CHECK - £25 + £25 + £25 + £25 = £100 of £100 = £ means split into four bits. Divide by the DENOMINATOR multiply by the NUMERATOR.
Fractions of Amounts 1313 OF £120 What is the answer to the following: £120 x 1 3 £40 CHECK - £40 + £40 + £40 = £120 of £120 = £ means split into three bits. Divide by the DENOMINATOR multiply by the NUMERATOR.
Fractions OF £90 £10 £30 £
Fractions OF 160kg 40kg 80kg 20kg 1414
Fractions OF $150 $10 $20 $
Fractions OF 240 litres 25 litres 30 litres 35 litres 1818
Fractions OF £100 £16 £20 £
How do we convert mixed fraction to improper fractions How many times does 3 Go into 7? How do we go back and forth?
Fractions of amounts
Fractions of Amounts 3434 OF £100 £100 x 3 4 £75 of £100 = £
Fractions of Amounts 2323 OF £120 £120 x 2 3 £80 of £120 = £
Fractions OF £120 £80 £40 £
Fractions OF 160kg 40kg 80kg 120kg 3434
Fractions OF $150 $30 $60 $
Fractions OF 240 litres 80 litres 90 litres 100 litres 3838
Fractions OF £100 £50 £40 £
How do we convert mixed fraction to improper fractions visa vi? How many times does 3 Go into 7? How do we go back and forth?
Class Work Page 39 (Blue Edexcel) Exercise 2H Questions 1-3 (every other one) Question 4-12 every other questions Exercise 2E EVERY OTHER ROW 1-25 ROW then do 2-27 Row then do 5-29 Row
Fractions of amounts
Extension Task: - Fraction Grid
30g 60g 120g 48g 192g 24g 216g 180g90g 80g 40g 200g160g 72g