3/17/15 Starter: Heredity Notes and Activity exit: What is the difference between genotype and phenotype? 3/17/15 Who do you look most like in your family? What characteristics do you have in common? Why do you think they are similar? Practice/Application/Connection: Paste Notes here when done Heredity Notes and Activity
4/22/13 Activity 1: Heredity Notes and Activity 4/22/13 Activity 2: Heredity Notes and Activity
March 17, 2015 AGENDA 7.14 Organisms and environments. The student knows that reproduction is a characteristic of living organisms and that the instructions for traits are governed in the genetic material. The student is expected to: 7.14 A Define heredity as the passage of genetic instructions from one generation to the next generation. 1. Starter 2. Notes 3. Exit
2/17 Classification /18 Classification Mini lab /20 Classification Characteristics Notes /23 Classification Booklet /24 Dichotomous Keys Notes /25 Dichotomous Keys Activity /27 Constructing a Dichotomous key /3 CBA Review /5 Introduction to genetics /16 Chromosome Activity /17 Heredity Notes and Activity Table of Contents
Who do you look most like in your family? What characteristics do you have in common? Why do you think they are similar? Answer and Discuss with your table partner!
Heredity the passing on of traits from an organism to its offspring Mother + Father = offspring
Genotype and Phenotype An organisms genotype refers to its genetic makeup; ex. RR, Rr, rr An organisms refers to phenotype what it physically looks like; ex. Blue eyes, brown hair, tall, right handed
Gene Pairs: Heterozygous and homozygous RR both dominant gene; Homozygous (alike genes) Rr one dominant and one recessive gene; heterozygous ( different genes ) rr both recessive genes; Homozygous (alike genes)
Genetic Laws The Law of Independent Assortment says that each gene pair is inherited independently of the gene pairs for all the other traits. The law of Dominance states that one factor of the gene pair is always predominate over the other factor.
Law of Segregation Law of Segregation-When the parents of an organism forms sex cells, the parent’s gene pairs segregate or separate. This means that one allele from each gene pair goes to each sex cell. When the sex cells from the male and female unite during fertilization, the individual receives a gene from each parent. Ee = parent genotypeee = parent genotypeEE = parent genotype Ee: makes 2 kinds of sex cells. ee: makes one kind of sex cell. EE: makes one kind of sex cell
Probability The possibility, or likelihood, that a particular event will take place. It can be used to predict the results of genetic crosses. It is also written as a fraction or as a percentage.
Punnett Squares a special chart used to show the possible gene combinations in a cross between two organisms. developed by Reginald C. Punnett, an English geneticist.
Punnett Squares cont. This is how a Punnett Square works: Say we cross two parents are heterozygous black: B-black b-white Bb B b BB Bb bb Black white 1:4 BB-black 2:4 Bb-black 1:4 bb-white
Punnett Practice Aa A o Aa o AA o aa o Aa o aA o aa a o Aa o aA o aa o Aa o aA o aa
Punnett Practice Aa A AA Aa a aa
Draw these in your journal This is how a Punnett Square works: Say we cross two parents are heterozygous striped cats: S-striped tabby s-no stripes Ss S s SS Ss ss tabby No stripes 1:4 SS-tabby 2:4 Ss-tabby 1:4 ss-no stripes
Draw these in your journal This is how a Punnett Square works: Say we cross a homozygous female bobtail cat with a long tail cat: L-bobtail 1-long tail LL l l Ll bobtail 0:4 LL-bob 4:4 Ll-bob 0:4 ll-long
Draw these in your journal This is how a Punnett Square works: Say we cross a homozygous female bobtail cat with a long tail cat: L-bobtail 1-long tail Ll l l Ll ll Llll bobtailLong tail bobtail Long tail 0:4 LL-bob 2:4 Ll-bob 2:4 ll-long
3/17/15 Starter: Heredity Notes and Activity exit: What is the difference between genotype and phenotype? 3/17/15 Who do you look most like in your family? What characteristics do you have in common? Why do you think they are similar? Practice/Application/Connection: Paste Notes here when done Heredity Notes and Activity