Adams 912 Patriots 2012/09/20
One or multiple bags with all the essentials needed to live for a least 3 days, preferably longer. Able to be ready for transport in just a couple minutes. Preferably man portable. Grab and GO!
Adams County PA is already pretty rural, and likely the type of location many will be running to, not from. There are no large highways that are likely to jam up in minutes. Lower Population should limit immediate threats of rioting. Your resources and land are here. Lots of fields full of food for good portions of the year.
Adams county seems unlikely to experience a disaster you will have to quickly run from. Relatively far from nuclear plants. Not a terrorist target. Low probability of earthquake/volcano. Unlikely hot spot in a pandemic. No strong political/military significance that would warrant the quick implementation of martial law. No Tsunami threat. Low Tornado/Hurricane Risk Typically you don’t run from a blizzard. Low risk of Social/Economic Riots. If a Nuke goes off… Pull up a lawn chair and relax. Your car isn’t going to start anyways.
Train derailment causes chemical release. Localized flooding. We are within walking distance of Baltimore so there could be a lot of refugees walking in, which could lead to the potential of fight or flight.
Chemical release/flooding. August 29 th 2012 a 1 mile radius in Kane PA was immediately evacuated due to a Butane tanker spill. August 29 th 2012 a 1 mile radius in Kane PA was immediately evacuated due to a Butane tanker spill. Traveling to visit that liberal relative living in Baltimore. Having a large bag with some of the smaller odds and ends is good as general prep storage regardless. A starting point to a more extensive pack up and run.
At least 1 Man Portable Bag If you believe a car will be part of your plan an extra large duffle bag will allow for much more equipment. Bag should be heavy duty! If nothing else, throw some stuff in a old kids back up, something is better than nothing.
At least 3 Liters of water, but not too much, its heavy. Compact Water Purification LifeStraw/Purifcup Chlorine Iodine Tablets Collapsible Water Bottle Couple coffee filters Compact, high density food. Energy Bars Peanut Butter MREs Dehydrated/Freeze Dried Food
Appropriate Changes of Clothing Pair of Jeans 2 Pairs of non-cotton socks 2 Shirts Climate appropriate jacket Hat Gloves Bandana (30 uses for a bandana)30 uses for a bandana A change of shoes, either Boots or Walking shoes, the other type is on your feet. Rain Gear
Tent or Tarps Need a ground tarp under your shelter. A way to set up your tent. Can be accomplished with some cord/rope. Bedroll or Sleeping Bag
Toothbrush Toothpaste Medication Bar of soap TOILET PAPER! Smush the roll to save space.
Money (Fiat) Couple Silver Pieces? Identification Insurance Policy Bank/Credit Card Info Emergency Contact Info Friends/Family Address/Phone Emergency Reference Material
First Aid Kit Trauma Bandage (Israeli Battle Dressing) Quick Clot At least 3 Ways to Make Fire Matches Lighters Fire steels 9V battery and steel wool Rubbing Sticks Road Flares Flashlights Cooking At least 1 small pot and some Fuel like a Sterno Good Cord/Rope
Not for everyone, but should be considered. If Legal and You Know how to handle a firearm. DO NOT store it in the bug out bag, guns belong in a safe! If concealed carry is not legal, vote with your feet and move. Good Survival Knife Multi-Tool Leatherman Swiss Amy Knife Pepper Spray
Whistle Handheld Ham Radio (VHF/UHF) NOAA Weather Radio Battery Power Hand Crank! (Can charge a cell phone) Small Flexible Solar Charger
Provisions for Pets (Guard Dogs) Children? Diapers, Infant Formula, Medicine Women's Hygiene Plastic Utensils Pen/Paper
The Man-Portable bag should be kept as light as possible without sacrificing basic needs. Military Training ~70+ lbs Healthy 20 year old ~50 lbs Normal People lbs Re-Pack a couple times to maximize room Get creative to save room People will want to take your stuff. Sleep On It Pac-Safe