2013 Loveland Agri Products Trial Data Billa Billa, QLD Wheat Starter Fertiliser Trial
Fully randomised & replicated plot work (4) Plot size = 10 m X 2 m = plot totalling area of 20 m²/plot Treatments applied – at planting Trial Setup Urea applied pre 100kg/ha
Trial Protocol TreatmentTiming Standard Farmer Practice (SFP) In Furrow 50% rate/ha In Furrow 20 L/ha In Furrow 50% rate/ha + 20 L/ha In Furrow
Wheat Yield T/ha TreatmentYield T/ha Standard Farmer Practice (SFP) % rate/ha L/ha % rate/ha + 20 L/ha 3.37 LSD (p=.05) =.399 CV = 7.29
Wheat Yield T/ha LSD (p=.05) =.399 CV = 7.29
Grain Analysis Treatment Hectolitre Weight Protein %Screenings %Moisture % Standard Farmer Practice (SFP) % rate/ha L/ha % rate/ha + 20 L/ha
mm 2012 Total = 375 mm 2013 Total = 521 mm Billa Billa Rainfall
In this trial 20L/ha of Pillar has performed similar to 50Kg/ha of Granulock Z. Conclusions